Ewan McGregor has a gland that secretes a sympathy-inducing pheromone, as far as I can tell. Even as Nick Leeson, I couldn't help thinking "Oh, poor sweetie! How did this all happen to your helpless little self?"
Which completely wasn't what I was thinking when I read the news reports.
It may just be being fed by his lurking delight.
That having been said, I've not made it through
Big Fish
yet, despite both owning it and having Netflixed it. I've started, so I'll finish, but ... not soon.
Big Fish snuck up on me. I was sitting there through a lot of it thinking, "This is....OK," and then suddenly I was crying and smiling and loved it. I might have given up on it at home.
Ever noticed that Ewan McGregor seems to radiate a kind of glee in every movie, as if he can't believe his own good fortune to be right here, right now, doing this!! ?
Except for the Star Wars movies where, while doing a pretty good Alec Guiness, he seems to be radiating a "What the fuck did I get myself into with this shite?" vibe.
Except for the Star Wars movies
Have I talked here about my theory of AotC? I'm convinced it was really 2 movies -- a passable action adventure flick starring Ewan, and a horrendous romantic film starring Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen.
Hayden Christiansen had more sexual chemistry with R2D2 than with Natalie Portman.
That whole movie was ADASTW.(Arrived Dead and Stayed That Way) I'm glad I didn't pay.
Anakin R2D2 slash would be disturbing. I don't want to think about it.
Despite the fact that I am, I don't want to.
I'm torn about seeing the 3rd one at all, paying, not paying, NetFlixing, whatever. I think the time spent may well be more than it's worth to me.
Anakin R2D2 slash would be disturbing. I don't want to think about it.
R2D2: "beep boop bleepity bloop"
Anakin: [strokes R2D2's sockets pensively] "I think I knew. I think I've known all along..."
Is that a dataport or are you happy to see me?