Yojimbo's based on Red Harvest and Fistfull of Dollars is based on Yojimbo.
Right, but the point was,
Star Wars
is based on a handful of Asian pictures, not on their western/Western siblings. Although now I have a vision in my head of Clint Eastwood with a sword, and that is entertaining.
Strega, your comments are interesting. Last year I had an extended discussion on LJ about TV shows in space never being about contested settlements. They always skip that part and go straight to the warfare.
Missy, kerfluffle shoes are so Out for autumn fashions. You best give them to Goodwill.
Missy, kerfluffle shoes are so Out for autumn fashions
I hate Autumn fashion. As soon as the Winter brouhaha boots are in stores, I'm all over them. In the meanwhile I have to make do.
On the other hand, my arch-support brogans of whining complement any outfit.
my arch-support brogans of whining
For those with plantar fasciitis of the soul?
I love my sandals of false superiority, and I intend to wear them until it's so cold that my toes can't stand it any more.
plantar fasciitis of the soul?
Exactly. My soul is all tired and worn-out and fallen.
And zombies really shouldn't be so scary because they're usually dim-witted and slow, but what's so unnerving about them to me is that they're dim-witted and slow.
Well, the zombies of the George Romero mold do seem to fall at the absolute nadir of Masahiro Mori's Uncanny Valley. We seem genetically or sociologically programmed to find them creepier than anything else.
OMG. So dead to me since Dracula. Didn't even remember he was in the movie.
I can't blame him for that one. All my Dracula hate is aimed squarely between Winona Ryder's enormous Manga cartoon character eyes. (Yes, I realize Keanu sucked, but it's not as if that was any huge surprise. And he didn't convince Coppolla that the moodiest horror novel of the late 19th century would be much better if it were a frickin' love story!)
hatred is for whoever thought a movie was more fun without any subtext. Generally speaking, when a hairy beast shows up in the middle of a Victorian horror tale to have wild sex in the garden with a virginal blond girl, you know that there is no point in seeking any 'deeper meaning'.
I mean, okay, love poetry with the hairy beast, but fucking au naturel??
My Dracula hatred is for whoever thought a movie was more fun without any subtext.
Nutty, I think you just put your finger on why that movie bothered me, even though so many of my friends liked it. Any dracula movie should have killer subtext, and lots of sexual tension.
Actual on-screen sex is kind of the antithesis of sexual tension and subtext.