Who, I learned, was the ONLY emperor of Qin! He ruled with an iron fist for 30-some-odd years, died, and his son was promptly overthrown.
Which events were the backdrop of the opera (not the movie)
Farewell My Concubine.
If not for movies, I would know nothing at all about world history.
I love Milla. I think she's my Angelina Jolie-lite.
I once saw Milla as the opening act at a Crash Test Dummies show.
She has an amazing voice. And? If that was not a 'stage persona', she's got a few screws, loose, bent, melted and sauted.
I'm pretty eh on Milla as an actress, but I've found a song by her that I really like off the
Rules of Attraction
She may also be Juliette Lewis-lite.
Resident Evil is so not comparable to Event Horizon. Event Horizon wanted to pretend it had a point until it turned into a gore fest. Resident Evil was a gore fest from the beginning and was perfectly fine. It embraced its goriness.
And the commentary's a hoot.
Event Horizon wanted to pretend it had a point until it turned into a gore fest.
Was is the hooks in Jason Isascs' back that fooled you?? Seriously, I never guessed that EH had any pretense at all. I mean, okay, "arty excessively baroque engineering design", yes. But the minute the not-survivors were recorded doing their thing
in Latin,
I just started laughing and didn't stop.
Event Horizon was on the spooky space mystery movie track until Kathleen Quinlan took a header onto a metal deck twenty feet below. Then it took an abrupt left turn onto the incomprehensible gore fest track. And then Sam Neill put his eyes out.
Oh, man, I shouldn't have looked at Paul W.S. Anderson's IMDB page. I didn't actually realize he did both movies we'd been talking about. But Mortal Kombat and Soldier didn't suck. I wonder what happened to Event Horizon.