Event Horizon wanted to pretend it had a point until it turned into a gore fest.
Was is the hooks in Jason Isascs' back that fooled you?? Seriously, I never guessed that EH had any pretense at all. I mean, okay, "arty excessively baroque engineering design", yes. But the minute the not-survivors were recorded doing their thing
in Latin,
I just started laughing and didn't stop.
Event Horizon was on the spooky space mystery movie track until Kathleen Quinlan took a header onto a metal deck twenty feet below. Then it took an abrupt left turn onto the incomprehensible gore fest track. And then Sam Neill put his eyes out.
Oh, man, I shouldn't have looked at Paul W.S. Anderson's IMDB page. I didn't actually realize he did both movies we'd been talking about. But Mortal Kombat and Soldier didn't suck. I wonder what happened to Event Horizon.
Mortal Kombat
did suck. There was a memo.
I tolerated
Mortal Kombat
flying!kicks much better than
Event Horizon
which I saw on laser disk at the insistance of a
professional movie reviewer.
I was speechless with disdain and excused myself politely from her lvoely home...then never read another word she wrote.
pardon me while I chortle over "the passion of a thousand fiery clambakes".
t shrug
I liked Mortal Kombat. Again, it didn't pretend to be anything other than what it was. When Christopher Lambert is your big mystical guy, you can't take yourself that seriously. (Hear that, Highlander 4?)
I'm so, so skeered of the Highlander V rumors.
and I didn't even hate IV.
Also, all the chickfighting was appalling. I used up my suspension of disbelief on Buffy.
Okay, I've worked very hard to eradicate all traces of
Event Horizon
from my memory so everyone can just stop talking about it RIGHT NOW.