Oh, they freak me out, but in a good way.
no good freaking here. though every time i see the trailer for Apocalypse i can't seem to make myself turn away or change the channel. i liked the plot of Resident Evil, but my insane fear of zombies just makes it impossible for me to watch it alone or at night.
why I wanted to see Open Water so much
that's another one i'm going to have to wait to see. why? because that is totally something that can happen to anyone. *shudder*
Any advance word on the Jet Li movie opening tomorrow? ita?
Any advance word on the Jet Li movie opening tomorrow? ita?
Jessica raved about it a few hundred posts back. Lemme find.
Not so much advance as retro, Betsy, since it's been out for a while. (You do mean
right?) I've heard it's glorious.
I know that I want to see it.
I went and looked up what
was about. Apparently, it is based on Chinese ancient history (like, when the various kingdoms unified for the first time), except for the part where ancient Chinese people probably could not fly.
Resident Evil
lovers, why?? It is a movie of vast foolishness, compounded by immense silliness. Also, pointless symbolism. The only movie I can think of that used more gore and pointless symbolism to cover up its silliness was...
Event Horizon.
Polter-Cow is dead to me, I think. The only way those movies can be entertaining is if you are hopped up on lots of (a) caffeine (b) liquor or (c) drugs of a more illicit nature. Or if you're, like, a pathologist.
I thought
Resident Evil
was fun, but it's one of those movies that is even better with the commentary. Michelle and Milla are hysterical.
Well, also, I hate Milla Jovovich with the passion of a thousand fiery clambakes. But the silliness didn't help, either.
Apparently, it is based on Chinese ancient history
Though, really, it's a much better movie if you ignore this and watch it as pure myth. (People hated it in China because of the massive amount of whitewashing it does to the first Emperor of Qin.)