So, there I am, visiting my brother's place, and he's got a bitchin' new home theater system and we decide to rent something bombastic and over the top. We decide to rent "The Core".
The movie is the most unintentionally fucking funny thing ever. I mean... the birds! The sonic WTF now? And the ship's made of mumblemuble SHINY METAL with tweaky doo-dahs that makes it impervious to 9000 degree (fahrenheit or celsius or do I even care?) temperature and gazillion metric tons of pressure, and OMG it's like adamantium and kryptonite got shitfaced together one night and had wild monkey sex and had a freak metal baby! And there's a grand canyon and giant purple crystals! Inside the earth! After a while, I began wondering whether Roki from "Jose Chung's From Outer Space" was right after all and we were going to encounter the Lava Men.
Also, within 5 minutes of the team being assembled, both my brother and I were able to pick the ones who were going to bite the big one, and the order in which they were going to go. It's like they had shiny numbered red shirts.
One the plus side: Aaron Eckhart is awfully pretty. And it would make a grand double feature with "The Day After Tomorrow" for MST3.
Just saw "Garden State." Really liked it. It had a lovely blend of snark and sentiment and truth (Braff went to high school with my BF's cousins, and the feel of the place is exactly right). peter Saarsgard is my newest Sekrit Boyfriend due to him being so freaking AWESOME in both this film and "Shattered Glass."
I wanted to see The Core, just because Hillary Swank was in it. Was she good?
Tonight I watched Monkey Bone. It had its moments, but overall I was pretty meh.
Very much with the wanting to see
Garden State.
Me, I'm FINALLY sitting down to watch
Girl With the Pearl Earring.
Tweny bucks says I fall asleep watching it AGAIN. I should probably just save it for tommorrow's laundry.
I should probably just save it for tommorrow's laundry.
Be sure to set the washer on "gentle cycle."
I'll give it an extra sheet of Snuggle.
I used to fantasize about blowing away the Snuggle teddy bear with a shotgun.
Does this make me a bad person? Or just someone who's curious about how big a cloud of stuffing would be produced?
Stares, horrified, at laptop. Slowly backs away.
The Snuggle bear? But he's so cute, and well.....Snuggly, dammit.
Flaming arrows and the Pillsbury Doughboy? Now we're talkin.
Flaming arrows and the Pillsbury Doughboy? Now we're talkin.
The Pillsbury Doughboy just needs to be put in an oven long enough to develop a crust. That way, he's still alive, just frozen in position forever.
Just so long as I can hear the screams.