Isn't AD approximately the same age as Bale? 30 somethingish?
Bale is 30, but looks closer to 25. Denisof is 38, and looks it, not that that's a bad thing. Hulme is in his early 30s (33, I think), and looks late 20s/early 30s. He also looks more like the Joker, to my eyes.
Whoops, sorry about that. I got busy.
Thanks for taking care of it, Jon.
I did not know about this. Clowes and Zwigoff are teaming up again. Yay!
Darn the luck!
According to Garden State will not be playing in my town.
I should doublecheck elsewhere.
"I came away impressed with [Diesel's] knowledge of Joe Louis. He's got the intellect, and he's done some boxing."
He's got the intellect of someone who has been hit in the head thousands of times?
Actually, maybe this means I can play Hemmingway. 'Cause, you know, I've got the beard, and I've done some writing.
Oh, and I just read a rumour that
will be appearing in
I just think every Bond rumor originates from that star's publicist, with the exception of Owen & Jackman. I mean, they're second and third in line? Bull-shit.
EW had the point about Bond that someone like Jackman just won't want it, because he actually has a career, and it's traditionally the province of someone looking to be rescued, workwise.
Owen has just said he doesn't want it. So they may very well be going the second-string looking guys.
Or just a bunch of crap, because apparently Pierce is still in the running.