Can't Hardly Wait
is one of my favourite commentaries. I fairly enjoyed the movie (thanks to Seth, mostly), but the commentary really made me long for the movie the writer and director wanted it to be. And disposed me kindly to seeing future work.
Plus, Seth, hilarious.
I love his scenes in the movie too, particularly all the bathroom scenes,
Oh. My. Dog. Where he's practicing? So funny.
I've only seen parts of Can't Hardly Wait, I think I may have to rent it.
I know I've told this before but ....
Seth was on Letterman promoting The Italian Job and they showed the clip where Seth rides up on his motorcycle and then falls trying to get off of it. He was talking about how difficult it was for him to control the bike and that he really did fall in that scene so they included it.
Lettermen asks him if he thought of training wheels, kind of joking. Seth says rather enthusastically that the director thought about it, but he was having so much trouble controlling the bike that training wheels would have made it worse.
And the other night FX showed Enemy of the State, which I'd never seen before but there was Seth! I watched it off and on and it seemed pretty good.
Seth's appearance (with Jack Black!) in Enemy of the State was uncredited, too. I looked, his name isn't in the cast list. JB's is.
I'm big with the teen-comedy love...10 Things I Hate About You, Empire Records are personal faves, but I have to say Can't Hardly Wait is not one I would be naturally drawn to.
However, because I have mountains of Buffista-respect, it has now been N'flixed. Maybe I'll just go straight for the commentary.
I love me some Seth.
It's a small but charming film, Beej. I think you'll enjoy it.
Can't hardly wait!
t /lame
I'm sorry, I could not resist. Well, I could have but...
Scifi talks to Joss about the X-Men.
"That'd be bitchin'."
Perfect opening for a job interview Joss.
Herc at AICN has the same quote but includes a quote from Avi Arad of Marvel.