I'd be perfectly happy if Bond were to be reworked, in a distinctive way, for a new actor.
I know you didn't mean to hit me with the mental image of Vin Diesel in his pimp gear from XXX going "I said shaken, not stirred, Bitch!" but that was the end result.
::tries to envision Bond in that sheepskin coat::
::fails, but with many interesting diversions along the way::
Not that distinctive, Matt. I think there is a universal rule that Bond may not wear pimp-gear.
But ... he's all on-license.
Not any more!
Not any more!
He's also cut way down on the whole killing and hiding his tracks thing too, so I don't know if the example works.
I like Michelle Yeoh and Gong Li don't know anything about Zhang Ziyi -- but wonder, isn't there even one Japanese actress who could have taken a main role in this movie? (Of Geisha?)
Wait, was Zhang Ziyi -- the younger woman from CTHD? (If so, then I have seen her in something.)
You didn't see
Crouching Tiger,
sumi? eta: asked, and answered
She's pretty good. However, unless her English has improved dramatically in the past few years, the language issues confuse me.
don't know anything about Zhang Ziyi
She was in CTHD, and is Zhang Yimou's current favorite starlet. (Though her role in Hero is pretty small.)
but in real life he ended up being caught in Class 5 rapids. Director Steven Brill says, "Seth is kind of fearless. He jumped into a tide pool that he couldn't get out of and almost got sucked under a rock. The safety guy jumped in to save him on a WaveRunner, but that guy fell off the WaveRunner, and it sank and also got sucked into the tide pool."
That's no shit, either. That's probably the biggest danger white water rafting. The most lethal, anyway - erosion will cut a small hole under a large rock, and then be able to conduct a very large volume of water through that hole. Get caught in that current and it can be difficult to impossible to pull you out.