Today's features:
was pretty good. It delivered vampires and violence and bad CGI. It's always interesting to see different takes on vampire mythology. Blade is a kickass enough vampire hunter to make we want to see the sequel.
was pretty great, though. I liked all the characters a lot more in this one. Hellboy's got this wonderful dry sarcastic wit, and the Hellboy/Liz relationship works a lot better than, say, the Peter/MJ relationship. I don't think the story makes a lick of sense, but that's okay. It's very entertaining and a great comic-book movie. Here's hoping the sequel turns out to be a great movie, period. Also, now I definitely want to see the
sequel, helmed by Guillermo del Toro. Oh, and I also want to check out the comic.
Yahoo's source for the story was the APF -- which must be something like Reuters or the AP, perhaps? I don't know. I hadn't heard of it before tonight.
Polter-Cow - Don't get your hopes up about Blade II. It's really really awful. Horrible dialogue, poorly choreographed and filmed fight scenes, a completely silly, unengaging, and poorly-structured plot, plus really bad special effects that look like too much money went into making them without thinking about how they would actually look. And that one vampire chick couldn't act.
I was glad when she died.
Blade II is not at all similar to Blade I in tone, genre, or even mythology.
The first Blade is a great film. Blade II is one of the worst films I've seen. The only reason to see Blade II is because Wesley Snipes is cool.
Yet I'm still excited about Blade III: Trinity, because David Goyer is directing that one.
The only reason to see Blade II is because Wesley Snipes is cool.
This I agree with, plus the idea of vampires that feed off other vampires is kind of cool, but very poorly done.
HGTTG teaser online.
No actual footage yet, but I'm liking the tone so far.
The only reason to see Blade II is because Wesley Snipes is cool.
There's one other: Kris Kristofferson. When
Whister broke free and jumped into the air ducts, my immediate thought was "You only thought you had trouble with Blade running loose. Now the guy that's been killing vampires three times as long with NO supernatural powers is about to go Die Hard on your undead asses!"
I went to see
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle
tonight. Utterly preposterous sequence of events, but that didn't keep it from being hilarious. Particularly the dream sequences. And when did Kal Penn become hot?
I could not stop groaning through Blade II. That gutteral, grief-driven, You Have Ripped The Heart From Me, kind of groaning that nothing but a screw-it-up sequel to something great can evoke.
Let's see. What are other contenders?
- Need I even mention the Matrix mess?
- The Clooney Batman
- Anything with JarJar Binks
- Dracula II the Asswipe, oh, I meant to say Ascension
- That embarrassing STNG flick with James Cromwell
You get the idea.
You didn't like
Star Trek: First Contact?
Wow, a tough audience indeed.
Yahoo is reporting that Eric Bana will be the next James Bond.
Wow, an Italian-Australian James Bond. When Bana retires they'll be looking for a Jamaican-Scotsman, followed by a Polynesian-Irishman.
...just a bit of contempt.
A worthy feeling, ita. Mark Read is full of shit. His autobiography is supposedly full of fantasy. Bana did give an amazing performance though.
Just watched
The third movie could not possibly come soon enough.
Saw Bourne Supremacy. I was Supremely Bored. Which is sad. I was so looking forward to it.