Huh. Her objections are not things I would ever have an issue with. The only possible valid point is the one about
Rebecca being stalked or kidnapped in all three episodes.
I could see that potentially getting old if it happens every week.
Her first issue isn't an issue for me after years of watching Euro-horror, not to mention Se7en and SotL, and her third is a big reason I'm looking forward to the show.
In the three episodes available for review, most of the victims were women and perpetrators were men.
Most? So it's what? Two out of three?
but, isn't that the way it is in real life?
Two out of three assumes
one victim
per episode.
I know exactly what she means, though. I mean, I don't know it with respect to
The Inside,
but damn, I'm tired of female victims. I watched L&O SVU once, and when I realized it was, as Allyson calls it, "Crimes Against Vaginas" I never again tuned in, despite loving the Munch.
I think my aversion to female victimization is part of the reason I fell in love with BtVS, and why as much as I love Angel, and think it was a more grown up show, it wasn't *my* show the way Buffy was (it was damned close, and became my show by default, later).
Not having seen the series, I thought she was fair to it. She didn't shit on it. She said she's holding her opinion 'til she sees more, and there are some elements which she thinks will weaken it, if they're in every episode.
Well, that doesn't make any sense, because
if there's only one victim then the perp isn't a serial killer
Yup, Vortex. She could have been looking at
fifteen out of sixteen being female.
Who knows?
Wait ... we will. Soon.
Cindy -- I think Allyson called SVU Crimes Against Vaginas,
Crimes Against Those With Vaginas
-- the distinction is probably a big one for her. And for me, too.
Gotcha, ita. I don't think it's that big a difference for me, honestly, if victims are overwhelmingly female. I understand that's also often a serial killer thing. There are female serial killers, but more of them are male and I *think* more of the male serial killers have a thing for killing women. I'm just tired of it.
But, as Amatangelo started out by saying, Adam Baldwin? Tim Minear? I'm pretty much showing up. I actually shouldn't have clicked the link to that article. I'd decided to stop reading about it and res ipsa loquitur.
I am
fucking tired of sexual crimes against women being used as shorthand for the ultimate let's-form-a-posse-and-ride-em-down crime. That's my problem with SVU -- the S was supposed to be for special, but might as well have been for sexual.
I don't mind a woman being a woman. I get annoyed with each woman being a pussy.
No big shocker that a group that deals with serial criminals is going to be facing mostly men who target women. Sure, I don't expect 100% reality from any TV show, but if half the perps were women? I'd expect the storyline to involve an alien race or something.