So NCIS isn't an internetty abbreviation, but is the actual name of the show? And it's been on for two seasons? I am so out of it.
I am Jon on both of these points. When people started talking about the NCIS finale recently, I drove myself batty trying to figure out what it was an abbreviation for. Nation's Coldest Igloo Sites? Neighbors Caught In Sewer?
New Cat is Shedding.
On Edit - Natter Can't Include Spoilers
It used to be Navy: NCIS. Now it's just NCIS,
they finally bowed to the pressure that it was stupidly repetitive.
I'm so dense -- I almost typed "But we're not in Natter."
No Cheese In Space
Having given it some thought, Jess, I'm not all sycophantic in my devotion. I agreed with you about Firefly (until Out of Gas) and even then, there were four great eps and the rest sort of fell flat. I do think it would have hit a stride.
And i don't intend to subject myself to 24 just because Fury is on it. I find the show irritating and silly. I'm probably the minority opinion, I know. And even Fury's involvement in LOST doesn't make me snark on it any less. It's a trainwreck on it's way to slamming into the side of the mountain.
If I thought The Inside sucked, I'd not have been actively supporting it.
I'm not sure about Rachel, I haven't seen her act, I've only read it, so all my opinions are are based on scripts.
As for jacking himself off about a Spike flick, well, he does. It feels like every other column but in reality it's only been three, I think. I think it's a terrible idea, but then, the last four years of Spike and teh scenery chewing hurt my head. YSMV.
Nasty Cockatoos Inside Shack.
Native Cincinnatians immensely suck.
(sorry, couldn't resist.)