Many posts since this but...
Partyman, can you explain to me the connection? Or is it random weirdness?
Tamara, The Pet Shop Boys recorded a very simple B-Side, "I Want A Dog" many moons ago.
Weird because a month ago, I was a firm believer that Dogs all hated me... Now I think some are cute... Many things have happenned since then....
ETA: So yes, just Random Weirdness!
Didn't he do that weird show with the cheerleader who kills monsters?
whatever, I mean REAL work. Like the Matt Leblanc sitcom or something. I hear he's doing some spaceship thing. That might be okay. Is Costner in it?
whatever, I mean REAL work. Like the Matt Leblanc sitcom or something. I hear he's doing some spaceship thing. That might be okay. Is Costner in it?
Maybe they'll get Keanu. Otherwise it's gonna be so lame.
Of course, the One True Captain. Genius. That's it, Josh. Ditch the french guy, bring in Bill the Thrill and we could have a real hit on our hands. Who's doing the sound effects on the explosions? Got someone good?
Man, I hope there's some cool looking aliens.
Serenity is a Gentle Mistress.
Nimoy needs to do the narration. There's going to be narration, right? One of those, "In a galaxy far, far away, but very much like this one..." things.
Nah, it's a "Whole Solar System"
Ooh, don't forget the time travel. There's gotta be time travel. I hope the ray guns are really cool. I wonder if they upgraded the weapons on the ship.