Lexine, I missed your change of plans. Am I going to get to meet you?
F2F 2: Is there anybody here that hasn't slept together?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
YESSSSSS. We will not be going to Sacramento for the softball tournament. My daughter got her cast off, but has not be released to play. Her doc even told her not to even toss the ball around yet, so it is just easier if we don't even go. Sooooooooo, I'm in town!
I get to have lunch with Teppy and Hec on Friday, visit with the rest of the gang Friday afternoon, come to the Nilly-que Saturday...and then who knows!
I know it is a bit late, but if there is anyone still needing a bed and doesn't mind being in the East Bay - I have LOTS of room and only one anti-social cat.
Oh, excellent! I start the shopping for this on Tuesday. Lots of beef ribs and salmon and chicken sausage and burgers and stuff.
Okay, I am sure that there must be a restaurant in LA that meets all of our needs that can accommodate a large reservation tomorrow, but I can't find it, and I am tired of looking, so we are eating at my place. People can show up anytime after 6:30. If you need directions, please let me know at my profile address.
For those of you who don't need directions, remember to tell the guards that you are there to see Lee [edited, since hopefully all the right people have seen it by now]
deb - my daughter may or may not tag along one of the days. She is still reorganizing her "social calendar" as only a 14 year old can, so I probably won't know until the last minute.
lexine, either way works fine - she's welcome, as you know.
it's a pity Betsy won't be here with the clan after all (they're visiting family back east that weekend), because she'd have had her 13 going on 14 daughter with her.
Oh, man, I didn't realize Betsy wouldn't be there. I'm sorry to miss her.
Deb, if you're around, could you email me the kosher symbols that Nilly sent you a couple weeks ago? The ones that need to be present on any food purchased?
I'm now leaning toward just letting Nilly pick out whatever she would like to snack on for the Monday night gathering, and doing my usual thing for the rest of us, but I'd like to be armed with the proper symbols. I know Allyson specifically mentioned the heart with the K in it, but upthread (I just sucked and searched) Deb mentioned a variety of symbols, sent by Nilly.
I'd love to take a look-see, if possible. Profile address good. Thanks!
I know Allyson specifically mentioned the heart with the K in it, but upthread (I just sucked and searched) Deb mentioned a variety of symbols, sent by Nilly.
I am pretty sure the heart one was a restaurant symbol Nora (and applicable only to that area of Cali)
Yep, the heart symbol is purely the SoCal/LA neck of the woods.
Nora, insent a moment ago, with the full. The most common one on prepackaged foods (beans, pasta, etc) seems the (U) symbol.