Oh, man, I didn't realize Betsy wouldn't be there. I'm sorry to miss her.
'War Stories'
F2F 2: Is there anybody here that hasn't slept together?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
Deb, if you're around, could you email me the kosher symbols that Nilly sent you a couple weeks ago? The ones that need to be present on any food purchased?
I'm now leaning toward just letting Nilly pick out whatever she would like to snack on for the Monday night gathering, and doing my usual thing for the rest of us, but I'd like to be armed with the proper symbols. I know Allyson specifically mentioned the heart with the K in it, but upthread (I just sucked and searched) Deb mentioned a variety of symbols, sent by Nilly.
I'd love to take a look-see, if possible. Profile address good. Thanks!
I know Allyson specifically mentioned the heart with the K in it, but upthread (I just sucked and searched) Deb mentioned a variety of symbols, sent by Nilly.
I am pretty sure the heart one was a restaurant symbol Nora (and applicable only to that area of Cali)
Yep, the heart symbol is purely the SoCal/LA neck of the woods.
Nora, insent a moment ago, with the full. The most common one on prepackaged foods (beans, pasta, etc) seems the (U) symbol.
There's a list of symbols here.
Thanks, Deb, thanks Jon. I got confused in my thinking and thought the symbols that were OK were much more limited than they seem to be. File downloaded, page marked.
The U inside the circle is the most common on prepackaged foods (Oreos, for example!), and that symbol is Nilly-friendly.
We're obsessing about food in a way that Nilly is just not. She drinks mostly all water, (and a tiny bottle of kosher wine for seder will be fine). Sahara brand pita bread has the U symbol, and is PERFECT for Nilly-friendly cheese sandwiches.
There's really, truly, absolutely, no need to go mental about the food, this I have learned. It's harder for me to feed vegans than Nillys.
She's been having bread and cheese and tea biscuits and some favorite snacks she brought from Israel.
Just have some water and that Sahara pita bread on hand, and take a walk to the grocery with Nilly and she'll pick up the fresh foods she likes and knows are the right kind o' kosher.
Because Nilly exploring the American grocery stores? So much fun.
Are there any Nilly pictures yet?
Were there any taken with Nilly and Erika?
Just have some water and that Sahara pita bread on hand, and take a walk to the grocery with Nilly
right on, that was my plan all along. I'm more spazzing about the gathering with other people on Monday and the various anxieties are mixing all together. Everything's cool though.
Thanks for the update, Allyson.
Hey, should I get fresh bottles of Poland Spring or whatever or is the water through the Britta OK?
Allyson, I just lost half my Nilly-food-worry because I stopped in at our local Andronicos.
They have a bakery that carries the altogether most kosher line of baked good ever. Fresh challah, macaroons (real old fashioned kosher macaroons!), and they not only have all the appropriate symbols, they have 'em in Hebrew.
Has anyone heard from erika? I'm worried as hell.