okay, that was very odd.
F2F 2: Is there anybody here that hasn't slept together?
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon: New Orleans! May 20-22, 2005!
I wasn't at the F2F this year, but I'd love to add more Buffistae to my LJ friends list. Ro-Astarte
In 2 parts, because way too much foamy for one post…
Be prepared for the lengthy meara that follows. No doubt I will forget someone. It is not because of lack of love, but the overwhelming nature of the weekend.
Patrick and I danced for, like, three hours
They were so much fun to watch! I hope there is video that shows the joy of the LJ&DH dancing machine.
There just wasn't enough time -- seriously, I talked and talked and talked and I still didn't interact with half enough of them.
Theodosia is me! I’m going to have to travel more for mini-F2F adventures because I am so sad that I was so close, yet still unable to connect as much as I wanted to with all the attendees. Also, while we are on the subject of Theodosia, I am not finding a picture that accurately displays the grace and elegance of this woman.
I danced with Scola!
Jealous now! Hee, and now that I have read the next hundred messages I see that I am not alone. Tom is indeed our rock star.
amyth is home sick with a cold and I came in late w/ a scratchy throat. Our hotel room made us sick, nassssty hotel room.
Hugs to you both. I thought I was just hungover on Sunday, and of course I was, but now that I am home I have a cold. Not sure whether to blame the hotel room or the airplane, but yuck.
is there someone who can host my little vid clips?
smonster, I can if you don’t find someone sooner. That also goes for anyone who needs hosting on pictures.
Brenda and a lovely buffista whose name I should know, and have forgotten
Vortex, that is the yummy katefate. Also, you are going to be in so much trouble for calling Jess Jesse. IJS Also, your pictures were incredible.
Random memories –
Ginger - A gentle lovely woman that I did not get enough time with. The not getting enough time with will no doubt be a recurring theme as I go through my list.
CaBil and Ms.H – So good to see you both again, although we didn’t get as much time together as we did in Chicago. That was the good part of driving, the nice one on one time. Still envious of Ms. H’s creamy skin.
Anne – How much does it rock that Anne sat about knitting and then wore the beautiful shawl that evening to the Prom. Very pretty, as is Anne.
Beverly – Finally! I wanted to meet you for so long then didn’t really get any one on one time. It’s not right. Sad now.
vwBug and Emily – I don’t think I got more than a quick hug from you two. They were wallflowering a lot of the time in truth.
MFNLaw – So good to meet you. I hope that our raucous activities helped to sooth your pain.
NoiseDesign – Not only was he utterly dashing in his kilts, but he talked Brendon into getting one. Mwah!
Toddson – How embarrassing that I ever thought of this charming woman as a man.
Trudy – Wah! Not enough time. Fabulous dress. Mwah for being my partner in crime on the panty toss.
DebetEsse – You are an adorable little bundle of joy. Meeting you makes reading your posts so much perkier.
Meara – You have a knack for making everyone feel at ease. Also, verra sexy.
Steph – I am going to have to figure out some way and time to visit Cincinnati. As always, a delight to see you. Sad that I didn’t get to wear the bunny ears.
Raquel – What a grand host! As beautiful a person inside as outside. I am grateful that I was able to spend some time lunching with you.
Kate P – Can I say WoW? With the costume changes and the glorious smile. Wow.
Hil – YaY for getting to have breakfast and a little bit of conversation time with you. I really wanted a picture of you with Brendon, but was too shy to ask. Nice and favorite people of mine so come in a variety of sizes!
John Swedon – Here’s hoping we won’t be neighbors in the fall. Thoroughly enjoyed the time we got to spend with you. I love that I now will be able to hear your laughter when I read your posts. I signed the book – neener to the rest of you!
Kristin T – Woo Hoo – you made it and we didn’t scare you! Yes my dear, you are our people.
Cass – Great hair, great smile, great boobs, what’s not to love, I say.
Aimee and MM – How great it is that I got to rub the empress belly! You two will make fabulous parents because of your fabulousity as people.
Brenda – Looking very Hott missy! Wonderful to see you again, boo with the lack of enough time.
Fred & Hubs – Thank you so much for the transport Friday night. As often as Fred has said nice things about Hubs on the board he has failed to mention with adequacy how wonderfully funny and charming and animated and delightful this man is. I’m so glad that not only did we get a chance to meet and see how nice you two are together, but I also was fortunate to have the one on one time in the backseat with Hubs on the trip into the city. So there the rest of you, and neener.
Part 2 –
Vortex – Stunning and drop dead gorgeous. But y’all know that from the pictures. Also thank you for the very helpful lists and coordination.
Amyth and smonster – Amy is not a myth! And she is charming and warm and lovely. smonster is a cutie-pie. I know I am not allowed to use the c-word with Teppy, but I just have to with smonster.
Lizard and Reema – Dying of the cuteness that is this couple. Ok, I know I used that word again, but really people! With the dancing, and the smooching, and the giggling glances. So very sweet.
Holli and her safety escort – It took a lot of resistance to not axe-murder, but Holli and Shira (thanks Hil) were so pleasant to have around I couldn’t go through with it.
Sheryl & G – Sheryl exposed her hottitude at the prom! She can no longer deny this part of her nature when she posts because we can just link to photographic evidence. Great dresses, great fiancé, it’s all good. It would appear that not only did we not scare G, I think he may have even liked the Buffistas! Either that or he fakes it well.
Billytea – First he confused me by introducing himself as William, tricky trickster. Like I don’t have enough trouble connecting people’s real names with board names! Very sad that you weren’t around when we departed so I couldn’t smother you with hugs. When I was thinking that we would not be able to get to DC I was upset because I knew this was possibly the only chance to meet Billytea. Ever so charming and shockingly resistant to the swarms of lovely ladies attempting to get him on the dance floor. Very jealous of those who got to go on the zoo trip with you, but it was too hot for me. Delighted to find you as charming in person as on the board, sorry for the limited time.
BiCYclops & Cheryl – I always read your name right. Dapper gentleman with the very lovely wife. Once again it would appear that we not only didn’t scare Cheryl, but possibly she approved of BiCy’s new friends. Remember you two are in striking range since I have customers your way that I need to visit on occasion. I hereby invite myself to visit you to spend more time in your company.
Jon B – YaY for another Theremin concert. It is a shame you couldn’t see the look on the bartender’s face as he watched you play. I thought he was going to lose it when Trudy and I tossed the panties.
DX & Lee – How much do I love DX and Lee? This much (picture Brendon’s arms outstretched). Note that I am only coupling you two since we rode together to the airport. It’s a shame we were all too exhausted from the preceding events to talk much.
SA – Your enthusiasm and hottitude and great picture taking all appreciated very much. You light up a room my dear.
Askye – Finally meet my fellow Floridian! Now that you have wheels I expect to see you missy. Glad we finally got to hug.
Jessica – I have Jessica boob envy, but that is because of the turtle, not that the boobs aren’t fine in and of themselves. Something isn’t coming out quite right here. And we got the meet the P’moon Mom that produced such a quality daughter and she was very charming too.
JavaCat – Thank you so much for your efforts and bringing this all together. Have you considered a career in fashion photography? You were delightful, and capable, and I miss you already.
Deb – I read somewhere in the posts the description of regal, and I can’t do better than that. Aimee may be the Empress, but Deb has the whole royalty thing going on too. Dizzy brain here forgot to bring your book to sign so I sent you a note asking for your address.
JenP – An instant sense of warmth accompanies this woman. You are a beautiful woman who made me feel very welcome.
Goodness, I know I am forgetting someone and when I look at all the pictures I will feel awful and will remedy the situation however tardy.
If I didn’t tell each of you that you are welcome to come and enjoy a Florida vacation at casa Holt please know I would be more than giddy and delighted if you would visit. This was a wonderful F2F experience for me and that is because of each and every one of you. Much love.
I really wanted a picture of you with Brendon, but was too shy to ask.
Hee. You're at least the third person who's said that. (When Javacat was taking my picture, one of her comments while posing me was, "You know, we really need something here to show the scale. Too bad Brendon went to bed already.")
I'm back home. My trip was okay. The second leg was so very hot and it was a small plane and I had cramps and thought I was going to pass out or freak out or both. So I sat there and thought about the f2f and that helped me through it.
And then I got home and I couldn't get online but that was fixed. Mom was on time to pick me up --which is amazing considering I told her Friday "I think I get back around 4--but I'll call you this weekend." And then never did. She had a slight freak out that I'd been axe murdered or kidnapped before I got to Anne's but then realized that if something happened then some one would have called looking for me.
Then she wanted to know how the weekend went and I had to heavily edit.
Right now I'm tired and dreading the fact I have to go to work tomorrow. Seeing everyone's pictures is just wonderful. Although I keep seeing people I wanted to get a picture with and didn't. Which means y'all are all going to have to come to the next f2f. I was looking at Teppy's Bunny Shots and thinking "I wish I'd had my picture taken with the bunny ears."
And then there I was. How late in the night was that? Maybe I only wore them for the picture...
Anne is an amazing hostess and Beverly was extremely patient when I was trying to get the damned ATM at the hotel to work.
I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned but we weren't the only group at the hotel. There was also the Southern Baptist group, the AME Church group, and a First Baptist group.
I can't remember what I posted the other night but it was so amazing to see everyone. And hug everyone.
I still have glitter on me. I'm starting to think it won't EVER come off. And that's not really a bad thing.
I'm hoping the Panda heads got distributed among people and I'd love to know who took the polar bear games home.
Really right now I'm rather overwhelmed and trying to figure out what to say. I'm adding a whole bunch of you to my LJ-- I'm askye btw so I'm easy to find.
Right now I'm listening to the "Music to Slash By" cd that Theo gave me AIFG!!! Except the stupid cd player in my car keeps skipping so I have to make a new copy for my car.
Very nice meara, Laura.
See, I'm thinking P-C and N'awlins are a matchup that simply must be made.
He he. What gives you that impression? I don't drink, so you're not going to get any crazy Mardi Gras action out of me. I do love beignets, though. And Gabriel Knight.
I don't drink, so you're not going to get any crazy Mardi Gras action out of me.
Babe, we won't need to get you drunk to get crazy Mardi Gras action out of you.
Babe, we won't need to get you drunk to get crazy Mardi Gras action out of you.
Thank you for giving me the first (and much-needed) smile I've had all day.