I'm back home. My trip was okay. The second leg was so very hot and it was a small plane and I had cramps and thought I was going to pass out or freak out or both. So I sat there and thought about the f2f and that helped me through it.
And then I got home and I couldn't get online but that was fixed. Mom was on time to pick me up --which is amazing considering I told her Friday "I think I get back around 4--but I'll call you this weekend." And then never did. She had a slight freak out that I'd been axe murdered or kidnapped before I got to Anne's but then realized that if something happened then some one would have called looking for me.
Then she wanted to know how the weekend went and I had to heavily edit.
Right now I'm tired and dreading the fact I have to go to work tomorrow. Seeing everyone's pictures is just wonderful. Although I keep seeing people I wanted to get a picture with and didn't. Which means y'all are all going to have to come to the next f2f. I was looking at Teppy's Bunny Shots and thinking "I wish I'd had my picture taken with the bunny ears."
And then there I was. How late in the night was that? Maybe I only wore them for the picture...
Anne is an amazing hostess and Beverly was extremely patient when I was trying to get the damned ATM at the hotel to work.
I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned but we weren't the only group at the hotel. There was also the Southern Baptist group, the AME Church group, and a First Baptist group.
I can't remember what I posted the other night but it was so amazing to see everyone. And hug everyone.
I still have glitter on me. I'm starting to think it won't EVER come off. And that's not really a bad thing.
I'm hoping the Panda heads got distributed among people and I'd love to know who took the polar bear games home.
Really right now I'm rather overwhelmed and trying to figure out what to say. I'm adding a whole bunch of you to my LJ-- I'm askye btw so I'm easy to find.
Right now I'm listening to the "Music to Slash By" cd that Theo gave me AIFG!!! Except the stupid cd player in my car keeps skipping so I have to make a new copy for my car.