Very nice meara, Laura.
See, I'm thinking P-C and N'awlins are a matchup that simply must be made.
He he. What gives you that impression? I don't drink, so you're not going to get any crazy Mardi Gras action out of me. I do love beignets, though. And Gabriel Knight.
I don't drink, so you're not going to get any crazy Mardi Gras action out of me.
Babe, we won't need to get you drunk to get crazy Mardi Gras action out of you.
Babe, we won't need to get you drunk to get crazy Mardi Gras action out of you.
Thank you for giving me the first (and much-needed) smile I've had all day.
I don't think alcohol will be required- I sense you on the cusp of a little wildness. Buffistas are good companions for that, and NOLA's a great city for it. I don't generally drink much myself. Exceptions occasionally noted.
Though somehow I suspect in the company of Buffistae I probably will become intoxicated whether libations are involved or not.
Come, the Garden District, the French Quarter, Lake Ponchetrain-not to mention the food-these are Buffista magnets. Ann Arbor may have your charming self, but you're portable...
And, of course, Laura says what I mean with charm and brevity.
Where's an editor when I need one? Heh.
Do we have any NOLA-istas? Astarte, where are you?
Austin, TX.
Which would also be a fabulous place for a F2F, btw, but I figure it to be a harder sell than NO.
Also, thanks to the Nilliest Nilly for collecting the links. I'll email you the link to my very few pictures when I finally put them up. Must cook dinner now.
NO has been mentioned before, and I think Laura said she could drive up and we could ride in together. Which makes it even better!
Laura--it was so great to see you and hug you and I'm sorry that it took going to DC to finally meet my fellow Floridaista.
SA--I wish I could have spent more time with you.
David and JZ are just so wonderful together and it was so cool seeing the video of their wedding.
Also David I meant to tell you this several times ---- I've seen Moon Pies in both bananna flavor and strawberry flavor. Do you think Emmett would be interested in either?
Serial to note that we may not have a lot of NOistas, but Dana, Hil, and I think Heather have much knowledge.