Cool musical blog about Stephin Merrit's musical inspirations. From Irving Berlin to Laurie Anderson to Kate Bush to Dr. Who to Doris Day to Gary Numan to Tom Waits.
Merritt on Waits:
Tom Waits as usual sounds like an erudite wino, who finds it so easy to write classic songs that he rarely bothers to do so, pounding on trash cans and singing/shouting short stories like Raymond Carver with repeated choruses. Heard one album, you've heard 'em all, but they're all good. [...] Also he remains one of the best lyricists in this increasingly difficult language...
Also ganked, Stephin Merritt's curious and fascinating list of the best recording for each year of the 1900s.
Did we know about this?
April 30, 2005 >
Work on Coraline Begins
Stephin Merritt has started work on a musical adaptation of the children's book Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The projected finish date for this is fall 2006. It will be presented at St. Ann's Warehouse, in Brooklyn, New York, as well as several other theaters around the country.