Naah. Too small.
'Our Mrs. Reynolds'
Buffista Music II: Wrath of Chaka Khan
There's a lady plays her fav'rite records/On the jukebox ev'ry day/All day long she plays the same old songs/And she believes the things that they say/She sings along with all the saddest songs/And she believes the stories are real/She lets the music dictate the way that she feels.
BEATLES FANS--I just heard a charming Macca story. A good friend works wardrobe every year for the Paul Newman fundraiser for his camps, which usually involves lots of stars. This year they were steaming costumes when Sir Paul popped his head in. MY pal was working on a headdress which was a long length of tulle, and Paul said "Pretty, could I wear it?" The other woman doing wardrobe was so startsruck that she literally stopped breathing, but my friend managed to say that yes, Paul would look pretty in it, but it was spoken for. He then asked if he could borrow the steamer to get the wrinkles out of his suit. My friend assured him that they would be happy to steam his suit for him and he said really, he'd do it if they were busy. They did steam the (gorgeous Burberry) suit and returned it to him. After he did his set (three songs, killed the house and got a huge standing O), he saw them in the wings, went over to thank them. My friend said the set was amazing and Paul said "It was the suit " and thanked them again and gave them both kisses on the cheek.
A very nice and charming Beatle, I must say.
I always thought straightforwardly nice Paul got a rough deal. Unfortunately tortured geniuses tend to be more immediately attractive than apparently uncomplicated, nice, extremely talented guys.
I always thought straightforwardly nice Paul got a rough deal.
While hipsters, including myself, might consider him their least favorite Beatle, I think it's a stretch to say he got a rough deal. I doubt he's wringing tears from his millions of pound notes or needing to polish whatever medal they give you when you become a Knight.
There's no question he's extremely talented, and I would babble like an idiot were I ever to meet him, but John wrote more interesting songs.
I always thought straightforwardly nice Paul got a rough deal.
I've read enough Beatles history to know that Paul used the nice-guy image, and was rather ruthless when it came to business. However, that said, I think the charm was a natural component of his personality - it was at least no more a put-on than John's compulsive need to take the piss out of everyone. John could do the charm too, but more often couldn't be arsed.
God I love UK slang.
hipsters, including myself
OMG Jon you just outed yourself!!!!!
OMG Jon you just outed yourself!!!!!
Speaking of hips, what's this I hear about Rio needing more hip surgery? That sounds like there will be minimal fun involved.
I doubt he's wringing tears from his millions of pound notes or needing to polish whatever medal they give you when you become a Knight.
Oh of course, materially he needs no sympathy at all, but then none of the Beatles ever did. In terms of how they're generally viewed, though, so far the prevailing tendency has so far been kinder to Rebel John than Paul. Perhaps Sir Paul needs to kick the bucket before he's appreciated. I'm not denying John's greatness, btw, just trying not to fall hook, line and sinker for his projected persona (and it's hard! who doesn't love the snarky, cynical, Working Class Hero?).
And as to Paul being ruthless in business - well yeah, but his instincts often seem to have been sounder than the others' (viz. re: Allen Klein).
I liked the take in "Revolution in the Head", which tends to play up Paul's contribution and play down John's, but only in the sense of being a corrective to the common interpretation.
Yeah I have to get another surgery. Apparently there's more scar tissue that has to be cleared out. They say the surgery is gonna be much simpler than the last one, but the recovery will the be the same if not worse. To which I replied, "The recovery is really the only part I'm responsible for. I don't give a shit what you guys have to do while I'm asleep!"
So, yeah, sucky. But I won't be working then, so that's bonus size.