Steph, any idea what disks those are?
If they're the same ones I sent Gandalfe, they'd be Anne, meara, Kate P., and Alicia.
Having checked what CDs Gandalfe sent me, I *do* have 4 CDs -- from Kate P., Alicia, and what looks like *2* from Anne W. However, nothing from meara.
Gandalfe, is that right? And if so, where is meara's CD? (That last question isn't addressed specifically to Gandalfe, just to the swap group at large.)
t edit
And Jon B.'s list of links to liner notes has the link for *1* of Anne W.'s CDs -- any chance of liner notes for the other?
finally got through on a phone # for Buffalo, it appears they are sold out. Hopefully they will add dates.
Steph, I think Anne only had one CD--chances are that one of the ones you have labeled "Anne W." is actually meara's.
Steph, I think Anne only had one CD--chances are that one of the ones you have labeled "Anne W." is actually meara's.
Well, I considered that, but 2 things led me to think that there really are 2 CDs from Anne:
(1) the handwriting on the labels of both CDs is identical;
(2) neither of the CDs' track listings match meara's track listing.
I am almost finished burning CDs for Sue, DX, and David.
(1) the handwriting on the labels of both CDs is identical;
(2) neither of the CDs' track listings match meara's track listing.
See, yeah, that's what I was saying. I don't know what I could have done, honestly. Eddys in the space time continuum, probably.
Next time, y'all, can I recommend
Next time, y'all, can I recommend
NSM for those of us on dial-up.
It would still take less than a year, though.
Yeah, but Sue's right, there are too many people who wouldn't be able to participate. Or perhaps I'm slightly biased, since one of those people would be me. (Still running on Windows 95, the horror! I can't download anything worth having. But I also can't afford a new computer, so. I live with the pain.)