The Replacements were just weird, as they intentionally shot themselves in the foot more than once. Mostly by getting really trashed and playing bad covers of '70s music whenever A&R guys went to see them perform. I suppose some of their "We don't wanna be rock stars!" attitude could have been a pose, but nowadays it seems like every indie band is calculating how to get a major label contract and a hit album.
Or so it seems to me. Although I don't follow this stuff as closely as I did in the '80s and '90s....
Oh, and as a tangent: I wish there was a more reliable way of finding digital copies of music videos online. I know there are videos by bands I adore that I've never seen, and I wish somthing like iTunes would start selling copies of them. I'd buy a copy of the video for "Coin-Operated Boy" or "Transylvanian Concubine" if they were easy to get.
I know what you mean. I think that'll get to be a bit more common. You can watch a bunch on Videos are still seen as occupying a kind of netherworld between tiny art film and television advertisement for the music. It's funny, because a lot of the 80s videos shown on The Altenative end with visual of the album the song came from. "You loved 'Dead Man's Party'? Buy the Oingo Boingo album today!"
I know there are videos by bands I adore that I've never seen, and I wish somthing like iTunes would start selling copies of them.
Good idea. And you't think that the videos would sell for cheap, as online sales could be considered a form of marketing by the record companies.
Erin -- Andrew Bird also plays violin on one of my favorite Handsome Family tracks, "Up Falling Rock Hill." Highly recommended.
I was listening to Pretty Hate Machine the other day, and was struck by just how ... poppy it sounded. Sulky and angry, yes, but undeniably pop music.
Oh yeah - it sounds like a slightly surlier Depeche Mode. The real NIN style didn't come out until he was touring, and hoo boy, was that a surprise. NIN on PHM opened for Peter Murphy, and, unfortunately, the crowd seemed to be more NIN people. I was NOT prepared to deal with moshing at a Peter Murphy show.
Luckily, I'm really good at lowering my center of gravity and cutting people's legs out from under them. Uncool if you're slamming in earnest, but when you're suddenly trapped in a mosh pit you weren't expecting? Really quite, quite satisfying.
I'd buy a copy of the video for "Coin-Operated Boy" or "Transylvanian Concubine" if they were easy to get.
You can download Coin-Operated Boy for free from the band's website! - [link]
Bob Stanley's Lost in the Grooves review is in today's Times of London! I can't find a direct link, but if you go to [link] and use the search box for "Lost in the Grooves", it's the only hit. I'd cut and paste, but it's pretty long (and really positive!).
Oh, that's cool. I hadn't twigged, but it ties in with the "Guilty Pleasures" thing that's been going round the UK rock scene; lots of guys of a certain age coming out as Alessi fans:
What a great review! He's just bubbling over with excitement. Here's a direct link: [link]
here's my regular nudge for people to keep sending the exchange CDS on their way.
let me know if you've received anything recently. I am still waiting for the first disk to complete the circle.