think you'd agree, H.I.M. could easily fit either category.
Oh, certainly. I just put them in the Eyeliner Boys genre because they fit in that "silly silly bombastic Gawth Rawk! with eyeliner!" subset that makes me giggle.
Candylike the iPod just started "Black No. 1" by Type O Negative, speaking of bombastic Gawth Rawk.
Well, and Ville Valo is the feyest of the fey.
Btw, Jilli, do you want to borrow the DVD of Guy Maddin's b/w silent movie version of the Dracula ballet?
I bought it used and it's just sitting around now that we've seen it.
Well, and Ville Valo is the feyest of the fey.
OMG, he is SO pretty. He's on the list of
people I must keep in cages as pets.
Btw, Jilli, do you want to borrow the DVD of Guy Maddin's b/w silent movie version of the Dracula ballet?
I bought it used and it's just sitting around now that we've seen it.
YES, please. That way I can decide if I need need need to own it.
OMG, he is SO pretty. He's on the list of people I must keep in cages as pets.
He is, isn't he? And he's not really androgynous, just both masculine and feminine.
And he's not really androgynous, just both masculine and feminine.
I don't find him particularly feminine or androgynous, just a really, really pretty man in heavy eyeliner. Much like Johnny Depp in PotC.
He is, isn't he? And he's not really androgynous, just both masculine and feminine.
Technically, an androgynous person would posess both masuline and feminine characteristics, right?
OK, that's just one definition. Another is "neither specifically feminine nor masculine."
Another is "neither specifically feminine nor masculine."
That's what I was thinking of. Try this picture or this one.