One of my oldest friends gave me a belated birthday present last night: a mix CD she made entitled "About Jillian"; all songs that she associates with me or our friendship. I'm completely knocked out by it, and it is easily one of the most thoughtful mixes I've ever been given. The songs are:
From one Jesus to Another – The Mission UK
Lindy’s Party – The Bolshoi
Devil Bunnies – My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult
I’m Cute – Animaniacs
Keep Young & Beautiful – Annie Lennox
Pretty in Pink – Psychedelic Furs
Dear Prudence – Siouxsie
Maria – Blondie
Why Can’t I Be You – The Cure
Home – Depeche Mode
A Few of My Favorite Things – Me First & the Gimme Gimmes
You’re My Best Friend – Queen
Magic – The Cars
Europa & the Pirate Twins – Thomas Dolby
Tea in the Sahara – Sting
Last Year’s Troubles – Suzanne Vega
Happy Phantom – Tori Amos
Gloomcookie -
"Empty Glasses" is an excellent suggestion, but about that song your Dad likes? You know - the one that says something about "My head is like a football."
Oooh, that's a lyric I can see a bunch of my drunk friends slurring (which is the test for making it on the playlist).
Hahahahahahaha! Yeah, I think it's called "Wasn't that a Party." Some sample lyrics:
Could have been the whiskey
Might have been the gin
Could have been the 3 or 4 six-packs
I don't know but look at the shape I'm in
My head is like a football
I think I'm gonna die
Yeah, I think it's called "Wasn't that a Party."
Yup, that's the Tom Paxton song JSw and I mentioned upthread a bit. Great song.
Yup, that's the Tom Paxton song JSw and I mentioned upthread a bit.
Mystery solved. Thank you!
Nobody's mentioned the one with the chorus "I spent my last ten bucks on birth control and beer/Life was so much better when I was sober and queer."
I heard the Worst. Jazz. Cover. Ever. Today. A smooth jazz version of "Dance me till the end of love".
Nobody's mentioned the one with the chorus "I spent my last ten bucks on birth control and beer/Life was so much better when I was sober and queer."
Ah. My favorite Two Nice Girls song....
Nobody's mentioned the one with the chorus "I spent my last ten bucks on birth control and beer/Life was so much better when I was sober and queer."
That would be titled: "I Spent My Last $10 On Birth Control And Beer."
Ah. My favorite Two Nice Girls song....
I heard the Worst. Jazz. Cover. Ever. Today. A smooth jazz version of "Dance me till the end of love".
Two Nice Girls (on that same EP) do a fantastic potmanteau cover of "I Feel (Like Making) Love" combining Donna Summer and Bad Company into one sexy, sizzling bluegrass breakdown.
I guess Pass The Courvoisier wouldn't really fit in with most of the rest of these songs, eh?