Though I think you may meet around "Not Avengers Enough."
The proper questions to ask when buying boots:
Are they pointy-toed?
Do they have more buckles than I have toes?
If not, do they look like I stole them off a pirate?
Do I need to get traction soles added to them so I don't go sliding across the dancefloor during "Lucrecia, My Reflection"?
Alicia, I have misplaced your mailing address and I have CDs to forward to you (finally).
With all due respect to Wil, mullets were never a good idea. Even in 1985.
I don't think he's suggesting that, just that they were omnipresent then.
The mullet is known up here as "hockey hair" and has only in the last little while become unfashionable for hockey players. The replacement (why, oh why can't there be variety?) appears to be the short spiked hair popularized by british footballers and David Boreanaz, aka stupid and stands straight up (Spike).
The proper questions to ask when buying boots:
Are they pointy-toed?
The proper questions to ask when examing feet:
Are they pointy-toed?
If not, don't buy the boots, either.
Signed, Bitter Person Who Wears The Buffy Boots And Then Regrets It
This just in.
I have just listened to Harry & the Potters: "Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock."
I am not only terribly amused, I also genuinely liekd it. I am frightened.
There's quite a few other tracks too. "Gryffindor Rocks," "Luna Lovegood is Okay," "Cornelius Fudge is an Ass," and "Fred and George" are all favorites. They're also a really amusing band in general.
Yeah, a friend sent me a burned copy of the CD--I'd assumed that was the title.
Oh, yeah. ::forehead slap:: It is the title of the second album.
It's a guidebook written by geeks, for geeks, that makes rock 'n' roll seem almost not cool, grouping fans alongside other nerd cliques who fixate on comic books or Star Trek.
Two outta three! Nerd horns are up!!
have just listened to Harry & the Potters: "Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock."
I suspect I'm going to need to hear this.
t lightbulb
SA! You're in London now! I might be sending you email about a cd I'm looking for, and that I would cheerfully send you money via PayPal for.
t /lightbulb