Reason number 135 of why I like the Pernice Brothers. From his latest newsletter:
We recently had publicity photos taken for the next Pernice Brothers album (more on that in a minute), and I have a giant beard. It's like a parasite. I almost look like those dudes from Zed Zed Top (that's for you non Americans who might be reading this). I was speaking to a certain Pernice Brothers fill in drummer there other day, and the conversation went something like this:
Me: "Man, you should see me. I have a giant beard."
Fill In Drummer: "Perneeeece, that's a terrible thing to call your wife. I didn't know you were gay."
Anyway, I have a giant beard.
wilwheatondotnet's entry about watching the LiveAid dvd with his teenage stepkids is pretty amusing.
little wil should not have teenager step-kids. aside from that it's a funny read, so true.
I was watching hip-hop videos from the 90s last night in the hopes of seeing some of my favorite things from teh 1990-1993 era, but no, it was all mid to late 90s bad boy produced stuff and the like. very disappointing for me.
very disappointing for me.
No Dream Warriors, eh? Do you still have your hat? I want to see msbelle's b-girl phase.
yes I still have the hat, but most of the clothes from that time are gone and there aren't really pictures.
and there aren't really pictures.
This saddens me.
Still, there are always the pictures of your punk rock phase with bleach blonde buzzcut.
With all due respect to Wil, mullets were
a good idea. Even in 1985.
t on edit
Replace "mullets" with "Phil Collins". Still true.
There is no such thing as boots that are too Adam Ant.
There is no such thing as boots that are too Adam Ant.
Madeline disagrees. Though I think you may meet around "Not Avengers Enough."
I heard "Meeting in the Ladies' Room" on the radio at lunch, and thought of the currently AWOL bon bon.