Well, my Grandma was a kick-ass cook, so you probably had a good time.
"I’m oddly full today."
Does the label have a specific sound/style
Heavy Psychedelia, accent on the heavy ("Hea-vy Mrs. Marsh"). That said, Wayne throws in the occasional pop melody.
And he handed her a copy of LitG.
Sweet! Of course, I wish it wasn't as hard to find the book as it is to find the records in it. Maybe that will add to its mystique.
Of course, I pointed them to my sidebar. They were suitably impressed.
But of course.
Hmph. The book got reviewed by the East Bay Express, getting what I can only call a snotty endorsement.
Serious music dweebs may very well adopt Lost in the Grooves: Scram's Capricious Guide to the Music You Missed (Routledge) as their rare vinyl-collecting bible. The lisping indie obsessive who gets teary-eyed at Belle & Sebastian concerts ... the thrift-store-foraging Napoleon Dynamite who smells of dust and rotting cardboard ... Steve Buscemi's character in Ghost World ... the Kermit the Frog-voiced fellow who knows the whole discography of bands he doesn't even like ... they're all guaranteed to bust a blood vessel over this one. It's a guidebook written by geeks, for geeks, that makes rock 'n' roll seem almost not cool, grouping fans alongside other nerd cliques who fixate on comic books or Star Trek.
That said, the average music enthusiast will also find Grooves an informative and pleasurable read.
Enjoying the 5ives.com website and felt compelled to share this:
Five terrible alternative names for the band “The Decemberists”
1. The Counts of Enjambementy Cristo
2. The Pirate Folk Family Players
3. The Whirled Accordion to Garp
4. Thesaurus Wrecks
5. Avast Ye Thar, English Majors!
Enjoying the 5ive.com website
Am I missing something? www.5ive.com gets me nothing but a front page with no links...
The book got reviewed by the East Bay Express, getting what I can only call a snotty endorsement.
Hmm, did you give out copies of the book that had mirrors on every page, Hec? Because that review reeks of self-loathing (i.e. tells more about the reviewer than the reviewed).
Here, Jon. It's actually 5ives.com
Five descriptions that arose while boot shopping with Madeline on Monday
1. Too Bon Jovi
2. Too Adam Ant
3. Not Avengers enough
4. Too Dale Evans
5. Oddly Amadeus
It's a guidebook written by geeks, for geeks, that makes rock 'n' roll seem almost not cool, grouping fans alongside other nerd cliques who fixate on comic books or Star Trek.
A bit rich to make a statement like that in the same breath as invoking Ghost World! Who cares about seeming cool anyway? (Rock'n'roll hasn't been cool for at least two decades, after all...)
David, I love the first review. Good words, those.