I prefer Revolver to Rubber Soul, but just barely. And mostly because of "And Your Bird Can Sing".
Hayden -- have you seen the Shins video in which they reenact the covers of various alt-rock classics?
Nope, I hadn't seen a video in a long time before last night. I turned on the Austin Music Network and they were doing an hour block of Bob Mould, Husker Du, and Sugar videos. It was sweeeeeet.
Harbors guilty love for Magical Mystery Tour.
I wouldn't feel guilty about love of any Beatles album.
but I rarely hear the passion I like in rock from them.
Too stunned to type. Almost.
One could make a strong case that John Lennon was the most passionate singer in rock and roll history, maybe in the history of popular music. And he could bring the passion, and the skill, on everything from the most brutal rock ("Money") to the most moving ballads ("In My Life", "Don't Let Me Down"). The most frustrating thing about McCartney is that he had almost as much juice as Lennon but, his love of Little Richard notwithstanding, he preferred stuff like "Mother Nature's Son" to "Helter Skelter" or "I've Just Seen a Face" (mellow w/o mailing it in.) The Beatles not passionate... still don't know what to make of that.
Revolver is my favorite Beatles album, partly because it's got "And Your Bird Can Sing," which is just such a great song.
And I do really like Pulp, so I'll check out The Killers. Thanks!
I wouldn't feel guilty about love of any Beatles album
Guilt is probably the wrong word.
Magical Mystery Tour
is what my mom fed my brother and I when we were kids to get us to like The Beatles. As much as I love other albums now that I'm converted, the child in me will always cling to it.
Huh. I just found out that some of us are apparently quashing Sean and Connie's ability to talk about the music they love on this board.
I'm getting to a point where all I'm feeling about this place is negative. It's time to take time off.
Huh. I just found out that some of us are apparently quashing Sean and Connie's ability to talk about the music they love on this board.
'd I miss something?
And you can't take time off just when I've returned, H.
Incidentally (and waaay off topic, but inspired by your tagline) Based on reading it, wanting to understand the web of references, and noticing that it's out of copyright, I was thinking about starting an Ulysses wiki, to annotate the book (factually, not like "this is Joyce using metaphor) communally. Interested?
That's an open question, BTW.
Huh. I just found out that some of us are apparently quashing Sean and Connie's ability to talk about the music they love on this board.
Huh? Never noticed much negativity here. Lots of "I love such and such" followed by either "Me, too!" or "Never heard of it."