But still, it's nice to see Zen Arcade recognized as one of the best and most important rock albums ever.
"Turn on the News" - a definite contender for rockingest rock song ever.
When I think of
Zen Arcade
I have the image of sticking my head into a jet engine. But in a good way. Not the bad way that winds up with me being incinerated and chewed up in the turbines.
Have you ever noticed that if you name a child John Wayne Lastname, you're guaranteed to end up with a serial killer?
Patrick Smith should stick to piloting. Azerrad's take on the Huskers is a much better read.
Joe -- I saw it, but didn't make the NewsRadio connection. I'll be darned.
Hayden -- have you seen the Shins video in which they reenact the covers of various alt-rock classics?
Hec - I've never heard early Vox, but they're becoming The Name To Drop over here at the moment.
Sadly, my wife has declared Thelonious, Miles, and Lemmy off-limits for kids' names.
My old boss's sons were called Louis and Dexter. Which are both respectable names...
And Hec, if you think that Blur (with whom I admit I have personal Issues, but still) are even the same
as Pulp, you crazy.
I got all the Beatles albums this week. I'd forgotten just how awesome they really are.
I got all the Beatles albums this week.
Did you get 'em in that nifty rolltop box? I picked up the set on eBay last year and it is very cool.
Did you get 'em in that nifty rolltop box?
I wish. No, I downloaded them (on the grounds that I have vinyl copies of them all, so you can't
me, Allan Klein!). I will buy the box - it's like Shakespeare, you gotta have it - but I can't afford it right now.
Anyway, The White Album is where I am right now. Yesterday was Revolver on continual repeat.
White Album = bestest Beatles album evah.
I would agree except for the thing where they spend ten minutes saying "Number 9" over and over.
Speaking of the Beatles, Of Montreal's latest CD,
Satanic Panic in the Attic,
is good stuff. More electronic than their older stuff (a download of "Disconnect the Dots" or "Sad Love" (which ends up remixed, re-recorded, and retitled on the CD) will show you what I mean), but Kevin Barnes still comes up with interesting, entertaining melodies and wacky lyrics. I haven't listened to them closely yet, but a perusal tells me some are even more bizarre than usual, complete with pop-culture references like "You hit me so hard like a Wong Kar Wai beginning."