Have the Australian CDs reached Canada? Looks at Sue. Who is holding them and keeping them from me?
really wanting more mix CDs, loving the ones my iTunes plays me over and over. I may have to make a best of the mixes playlist for myself choosing one favourite from each category.
If this helps, the BtVS episode "Passion" (S3) has a Morcheeba song at the very beginning, when the Scoobies are dancing at the Bronze.
"Passion" is season 2!
It's like I don't even know who you are anymore.
Oh my god -- I've already started to forget!
Have the Australian CDs reached Canada? Looks at Sue. Who is holding them and keeping them from me?
msbelle I had cd's from Angus and Moonlit in Feb/March and passed them on. I'm pretty sure they been around, but I don't know who has them... I know they made it as far as erinaceous.
Did Angus ever receive Cd's from Plei? Can we jumpstart this mix exchange?
I know that Plei sent them, because we were talking about it at Hec and JZ's wedding.
That's odd, they didn't arrive. (Or haven't yet.)
Yeah. Lane, in addition to being the far better singer, had a much more focussed artist within him. Too bad about the hard drugs.
Even before he started using hard drugs, Lane was still a jerk. Also, a jerk who would have sold not just his soul but the souls of his band mates to become the next Poison. Switching to hard drugs is what caused the band to switch sounds.
Huh. Did I get Moonlit and Angus's mixes? I only have in my iTunes the ones from Tommyrot, Sue, and bicyclops. Which rock.
bicyclops or tommyrot? did you receive the Angus and moonlit CDs?
Yikes! Angus never received? that's no good. It's been several months, no? What is normal delivery time for mail? Perhaps a second package should go out?
I thought I remembered you saying something about Angus' mix, erinaceous. I was probably mistaken....