I live on the East coast, tommyrot, but it doesn't help me hear Jon's show.
Well, when I tried to connect (starting at 9:00 eastern time) I kept on getting the message that the server has reached its maximum number of connections and can't accept any more. I was thinking that if I tried to connect at 8:00 eastern (7:00 here) I'd have been able to get a connection before they were all gone.
At 9:03 ADT (8:03 EDT) I couldnt get on the high bandwith streams.
Damn east coasters, with their early-getting-up ways!
That DLR story is very weird, Joe.
Anyhoo, thanks to everyone who could listen and apologies to those who couldn't get on. It does typically fill-up in the first hour. I recorded the show and plan to archive it so youse who missed it will have a chance to listen. In the meantime, today's playlist.
Hey Jim -- have you heard the Outnumbered? I played them this morning. They were Jon Ginoli's band prior to Pansy Division, and much better IMO. I admire Pansy Division, but song after song about gay sex gets wearing after awhile.
I like the Outnumbered! I used to go see them all the time in Champaign.
I just want to go on record as saying I LOVE THE NEW WILCO ALBUM.
I was kind of skeptical of the good reviews I've read because many friends who have listened to it online were not taken with it (though a few have loved it, of course). And I thought maybe the critics were being benefit-of-the-doubt-y with it because of
Yankee Hotel.
And the first time I heard it, I was suprised by the lack of either stand-out classic Wilco/or stand-out new-skronky Wilco tunes. But it does not lack. It just took a more concentrated listen.
It's great. For the moment, I especially like "Spiders (Kidsmoke)".
Wilco was interviewed & performed yesterday on Soundcheck, tina. I had it on but was actually doing my work (what's up w/ that?) so can't tell you if it was any good.
I had it on but was actually doing my work (what's up w/ that?)
We've discussed this before, joe, that will come to no good.
I'm listening to soundcheck right now. Thanks for the link.