Do you already have your playlist all picked out? How fun would that be. Did it take forever?
Yes, it's taken me hours and hours. I have my playlists going back to early 1986, so I've been reading through them all. I've got the first 10 years (this friday's show) mostly set, but I still need to make some final decisions. 1992 introduced so many great bands!!
Have y'all noticed that the main reason "The Tain" is rocking is because it stole the riff from "The Immigrant Song"?
You know that "The Tain" means "the Hammer of the Gods," right?
Okay, I made that up.
On we sweep with threshing oar, Our only goal will be the western shore.
Heh. Emmett watches the kitten vikings at least once a week.
Congratulations, Jon. That's a huge accomplishment. June 28, 1984 was my 23rd birthday - and I was in Boston for that one. If I'd been listening to your show, I wouldn't have been such a Fire Engines Ignoramous.
OK, one more question for y'all. You know how there are all these rock critics who don't like any new music, or don't think it's as "great" as the music that was popular when they were young? Simply because they aren't young anymore and don't have the same relationship with music they used to, but they haven't figured out that that's the reason? Who are some of the biggest-name offenders? Anyone?
Who are some of the biggest-name offenders? Anyone?
The Pope. For him, rock music reached its pinacle with the Sex Pistols.
The Pope. For him, rock music reached its pinacle with the Sex Pistols.
Nah, he was still on the wrong side of the Wall for the Pistols. The Plastic People of the Universe were his boys.
Start with Nick Hornby, Rio. Dave Marsh is quite the offender in this, too.
Thanks, Hayden. I'd thought of Marsh but not Hornby, but he's a perfect example.
Here's Slate's round-up of articles about the recent Hornby brouhaha, including links to Hornby's Times op ed that kicked it off and some of the biggest name take downs of it. I find pissing matches of this sort really dispiriting and enervating, but the topic is guaranteed to come up if you'll be talking about critics and old fogeyism, Rio, so be prepared.