The Urban Guerillas.
tommyrot, what precisely are you looking for? Just basic info, or recordings? Basic info might be found through First Avenue, but you'd have to call and ask to talk to someone who was around then (of which there are many).
If you're looking for recordings, I can go comb through the local used record stores.
tommyrot, what precisely are you looking for?
Well, for starters, a discography.
If you're looking for recordings, I can go comb through the local used record stores.
That'd be cool. A friend of mine has all of their recordings on LP, so I'd like CDs. If they exist.
I don't remember too well what song's on what, but their album titled, um, "Attack of the Pink Heat-Seeking Moisture Missles" comes to mind.
...maybe I shouldn't have followed that album title with the word "comes"...
Anyway, any help would be appreciated....
Just got a spam with the subject line
now that I am a styrofoam pragmatist
Is that a great band name or what? "The Styrofoam Pragmatists". It's a keeper.
Reminds me of Polly Styrene (of X-Ray Spex). Best punk name evah!
Is that a great band name or what? "The Styrofoam Pragmatists". It's a keeper.
Thanks to Natter and the many interesting links people post there, I realized that a perfect band name would be "Rasputin's Wang."
Random Pragmatic Zombie Styrofoam Sabotage.
And their backup singers, Rasputin's Wangs.
"The Styrofoam Pragmatists"
That's great. Mind if I steal it for the band name list?
Current listening: The Trojan Ska Box Set, disc two. It's hard to sit still, but hell yeah!
Mind if I steal it
For your band? OK, but don't let anyone else see it.