That's great, Steph. Thanks for posting it.
Just listened to a really interesting Fresh Air interview with Tony Hendra, who played Spinal Tap's manager. I saw him at a wine tasting a couple months ago & thought about saying something to him but I didn't think he needed yet another person coming up to him and going, "Hey, Spinal Tap!" Had I known more about him, especially had I known anything about his knew book, I might have talked to him. Wish I had. Anyway, the interview is highly recommended.
Oh damn, I just realized this is a music discussion. my bad.
I deleted it for Angel spoileriness.
I had a brief moment of confusion reading Jon's post before I remembered that non-NAFDAns may not have seen the finale yet. Especially since I was just talking to erinaceous the other day about how, without spoilers, life is now meaningless.
Unfortunately, I know nothing of the Divine Comedy. Would I like them?
More than toast with honey. Take that how you will.
In other news, Real Life is touring the US - although I can't seem to find where they're going except here to Salt Lake City. Nevertheless, I'm going, and you all should too, if you get a chance. I saw them once before, and they put on a great show.
Oh, yes, and for those who are interested in a trip to Utah, there is a Synthpop Festival over labor day weekend. $25 for 12 or 13 bands over 2 days. How can you go wrong?