any other Los Lobos fans around?
"Will the wolf survive" has some great pop songs on it.
I've tried to get into Devandra's music, but failed. It's too meandering for my taste. However, I am going to see him play next weekend in Cambridge, so maybe I'll change my mind.
Gandalfe, Jon's CD went out to you on Saturday.
And I also want to hear the "Harmony Cathedral" mix.
My musician temp friend here was thinking of doing an all-girl band cover of Afghan Wigs Gentleman.
That would be AWESOME. She needs a guy singer for "My Curse," though.
That would be AWESOME. She needs a guy singer for "My Curse," though.
Here's my friend's Craigslisting in SF:
If you love the Afghan Whigs' "Gentlemen" read on...
Please join me on a project to cover songs from
in a very different way. I am a lead singer w/lots of performance experience, a strong Joan Osborne-like voice and a really twisted idea for the music and performance of this record. I envision this inhabiting the watery world between a rock show and performance art. Let's turn the original recording's grunge influence into a dirty blues sound.
Your age and appearance are not as important as your dedication to your instrument, your willingness to participate in a high-concept project, and your availability for practices in S.F. Also, I am someone who prefers being very clear-headed during the creative process and would like to work with others who are creative without chemical inducements.
A bit about me:
Did weird performance art (other peoples') and performed in theatre as a kid
Went to a professional school for ballet
Quit ballet when I realized music was it for me
Serious singer/songwriter/musician since '94
Have recorded 2 cds
Have played out a ton, had my own band
Have contributed to arrangements for other songwriters
I have excellent press contacts
I am a feminist and this has everything to do with the spin for this project
If this sounds like fun to you, please get in touch.
Also, I am someone who prefers being very clear-headed during the creative process and would like to work with others who are creative without chemical inducements.
I find the need for this disclaimer entirely amusing.
I find the need for this disclaimer entirely amusing.
She's hardly the only musician I know who is roughly my age and necessarily clean and sober. (Or less she wouldn't have made it to my age.)
Sorry, P-Cow, I didn't mean to make that sound so tut-tut and humorless. Just anecdotal evidence about the musicians I know.
'sokay. I don't know a lot of musicians personally, but I know the stereotype, and I found her wording priceless.
and I found her wording priceless.
I know from talking to her that it was guided by decades of experience.
Why do I love rock and roll? Because when I hear a really great tune, it makes me wish I was up on stage in front of a bunch of people, playing the song live. Not for the attention, or the rock star perks, but just to be blasting out a kick-ass song that makes people want to jump about, and holler along with the band. The songs I love make me want to jump about and holler along with the band.
As I was driving back from Burbank today, Weezer's My Name is Jonas and Bad Religion's new Los Angeles is Burning made me do this in the car. I am sure that watching me drive must be terribly amusing for other people. I don't just sing along. When it's a great tune like one of those two (among others), I bellow along. I belt it out as if I was competing for the top spot on Americon Punk Idol.
My Name is Jonas
totally kicks my ass for the breaks and the switching back and forth between beautiful acoustic finger-picking and loud, in your face, 6/8 power chords, plus getting to belt out "THE WORKER'S ARE GOING HOME!" Deliciously subversive Wobbly overtones.
Los Angeles is Burning
kicks my ass in a whole different way. I mean, Bad Religion is still Bad Religion, and LAiB is one of their best tunes. I have a strong love for the notion of LA as epicenter of the Malestrom that Destroys the world - it's one of the many reasons I chose this city for my home, and one of the things that endears this place to me - so the song has that going for it in the lyrics. Plus the melody for the whole song is just fantastic, with a great hook, and I get to bellow "LOS ANGELES IS BURNING!" in my car while driving through the Hollywood Hills.
Anyway, I just wanted to wax prosaic about rock music for a bit. Thank you all for indulging me.