When I was a kid, there was a Green Bay TV program called The Bart Starr Show (they reviewed the previous Packers game). The opening theme music was PF's "Time" - basicly the part after all the clock noise but before the vocals.
The same show had also used "Thus Spake Zarathustra", a.k.a. the theme from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Brave Combo have been around forever. Also not my cup-o-tea, but I remember seeing their records in the mid-80's.
I've got Brave Combo on LP. Carl Finch has been a big evangelizer for accordion dance music from around the world. I think their novelty polksas are okay, but appreciate him more for backing Tiny Tim on one record (with the swing band version of "Stairway to Heaven") and for championing Esteben Jordan (#1 cool musician with an Eyepatch! Take that Slick Rick! Okay, maybe James Booker is just as cool. Eyepatch Rock - has Rocktober covered this yet?)
It's been 8 hours, and the Todd Rundgren song (FTR, "Hello It's Me") is STILL STUCK IN MY HEAD!!!
It's important to meeee....
That you know you are freeeeeeee....
'Cause I never want to make you change for me....
Chatty!co-worker is playing Looney Tunes music to try and get Rundgren out of my head. It's currently Kill the Wabbit.
With my spear and magic helmet!
Let me give you a demonstwation.
O Bwoomhilda, you're so wovely.
Yes I know it; I can't help it.