He sounds a lot like the lead singer of the Counting Crows, Adam Something.
Adam Duritz. Also famous for dating both Jennifer Anniston and Courtney Cox during the first season of Friends and admitting on national television that he wore hair extensions. The first item? Very rock star. The second? NSM.
On the four billionth and seventy-third listen, I realized that Sufjan Stevens is a Christian artist. Yes - the biblical references are really REALLY blatant - but I just thought it was a - I dunno - lyrical device. It's interesting. I had a good friend I used to work with who listened to/pushed a lot of indie-Christian rock and I felt like I could never get past the lyrics (I'm not religious in any sense). I wonder if I had known when I bought this album if it would have made a difference to me. Makes me think I'm kind of an asshole - but the bands he used to push on me did really suck a lot.
Also - my CD burner broke. I've had it for three weeks. And it was my fault and now I need a new one. Boo. Unrelated to that, my plan for tomorrow is to get my computer hooked up to my stereo receiver. I've been doing a lot of reading on mac!musicnerd sites and it doesn't look that hard. This probably means it will be impossible for me.
On the four billionth and seventy-third listen, I realized that Sufjan Stevens is a Christian artist.
Heee. Yup. He was in Danielson for a while.
I've still never heard "Toxic." A lot of times I'll hear pop songs months after everyone else is sick of them, and it's always disconcerting because they NEVER sound the way they do in my head. (Like the "Milkshake" song, which I finally heard last night? It should be slower, and Kelis has a deeper voice in my head.)
I haven't heard either "Toxic" or the milkshake song, AFAIK. Perfectly happy about that fact, too.
I saw Lynyrd Skynyrd in a club outside of Nashville in 1973 with my then-boyfriend, the music director of the college radio station, who dragged me there assuring me that this group was going to be really big.
I feel really old now. Maybe I should lie down.
I have one friend who likes it and one who wasn't impressed after her first listen. What do you think of it?
Tina, I like it a lot, but it took multiple listens. Tweedy is stretching out the skronk, but I think he's reaching deeper for lyrics these days.
I haven't heard either "Toxic" or the milkshake song, AFAIK. Perfectly happy about that fact, too.
I can put them up for you, if you want....
t /pimp
t Slowly backs away from SA, looks for escape route...
Ignorance is bliss sometimes.
Sekrit message for SA:
I can do the same. I think we should make it a game at the F2F.
I've had a Todd Rundgren song stuck in my head since 8 this morning.
Send help.
Send help.
How about a nice song that you might hear, oh, say, on a ride at Disney World?