I have neglected to mention that two weeks ago, JZ and I were in the Berkeley Amoeba and she came running up to me all excited because she found the second Lothars CD used.
I pointed out to her that if we bought it directly from Jon he would derive some economic benefit, but buying it used gained him nothing. She was unpersuaded and felt that the Lothar CD had personally found its way into her hands.
Reader, we bought that CD.
Better it find its way into loving hands than it sit there lonely amongst the anonymous multitudes of amoebadom.
Tonight G and I are going to see Great Big Sea at the 930
club. Of course, this means we'll be more zombie-ish than usual
at work tomorrow, but hey! It's Great Big Sea!
Hec! Incoming, I gots some stuff for you.
Also, Salon.com today has some links to a couple good free downloads.
Hey, Jon, have you left yet?
I'm taking the ensuing silence as a "yes." To that end, I'm going to try to meet Jon tonight for some beer & music. AND I'm going to try to catch the SXSW showing of Jandek on Corwood.
I woke this morning to this report on NPR.
I hate Real Audio. What's the gist of the story, Hayden? Real guy or someone's schtick? Speaking of Irwin Chusid, my friend George just got back from Europe where he was touring w/ the Chusid-organized Raymond Scott Orchestrette.
Real guy, real strange. I like him, but he's definitely an acquired taste.
I skipped Jandek on Corwood so I could hang out with Jon B. Last night's SXSW roundup: Che Arthur, The Narrators, a bit of Subset, and Minmae. I was planning to kick back at a Li'l Cap'n Travis show before hitting MF Doom and Atombombpocketknife, but the club was packed out, and I was tired and near my car, so I just came home.
Oh, also, I was offered and accepted a new job this morning with the Legislative Budget Board of Texas, so I'll be superbusy this time next year.
On a successful SXSW day, of course, though the job sounds pretty cool too ;-).