Also I see that Andy Partirdge's song "I Wonder Why The Wonder Falls" is up on iTunes!
x-post from that thread as well.
It's a great fun, quirky classic-AP sounding track to me. Not too creepy - which is prob. good for a TV theme. But not too boring. And as I said over there as well - I still can't believe they got him to do it and that I will hear it every week!
I still can't believe they got him to do it and that I will hear it every week!
Well, consider that The Rembrandts never even had a major radio hit, but because they did the theme for Friends they'll probably never have to worry about the rent for the rest of their lives.
I never have stopped feeling a little thrill at seeing my name in print. Whoo.
Secret message to Hec: 'neologisms' 'Thackeray' 'Swervedriver' okay that last one I'm just guessing. That index sounds really fun. The librarians will love you!
I'm pretty sure you're three-for-three there, erin.
Secret message to Hec:
I used up all my copyediting on the damn book. I have none left for
On the other hand, my piece on The Auteurs kicked ASS.
Steph L: Discs are on their way. Sorry I'm so slow, but it's hard to get to the P.O. some weeks..
I got Hayden's CDs yesterday. Yay! (and hi back, Tina!)
consider that The Rembrandts never even had a major radio hit, but because they did the theme for Friends they'll probably never have to worry about the rent for the rest of their lives.
Does it count that said theme song WAS a big radio hit during the show's first or second season? They recorded an extra verse and everything.
but because they did the theme for Friends they'll probably never have to worry about the rent for the rest of their lives.
But you have to think Andy is already set up pretty well financially. XTC might never have sold well but they did have 8 zillion albums out there at last count. And I always thought if he really needed the money he would have gotten over that stage fright thing. (I always understood that they didn't tour due to his stage fright - is that right?)
So that leaves me wondering how exactly Tim 'persuaded' him to write this theme song....
So that leaves me wondering how exactly Tim 'persuaded' him to write this theme song....
Are you implying that threats and beagles were involved?
(I always understood that they didn't tour due to his stage fright - is that right?)
That was my understanding as well. I remember once XTC did a "tour" where they only did radio interviews and short live-to-air performances.