Huh, the only Yes song I remember is Owner of a Lonely Heart Of course, there are probably other ones that I know but just don't identify with Yes. However, since I have no music cred to speak of, I can admit to loving that song with impunity. Good video, too. And Best of My Love is a kick-ass tune.
I associate cheesy music much more with 90's boy band/Britney pop (which I love a lot, too) than with disco. Or even music from that awkward transition time between disco and Madonna era 80's pop (Islands in the Stream, Total Eclipse of the Heart). Now that's good cheese.
Somebody actually defended Tormato in the book - and did it well. We've also got a King Crimson record (Lizard, I think). Not afraid of Prog! (Though I think that might be it.)
Oops, forgot to mention. Hayden, I got Jon's mix yesterday. Wheeee!
Now to eat my chicken pot pie. pie pie pie.
Hey Jon, song #10 rolled up and I had to go check the liner notes because I liked it so much.
We've also got a King Crimson record (Lizard, I think).
Very interesting record. Highly free-jazzy, even for such an improvisational band as the Crim.
Hey Jon, song #10 rolled up and I had to go check the liner notes because I liked it so much.
I am so honored to play music with that guy. And ya know what Pete did today? He called me from
during my party to wish me a happy birthday!
Speaking of King Crimson, you could do worse than to listen to the music of Dokaka -- a Japanese guy who does a note-perfect acapella version of 21st Century Schizoid Man. The live version with the extended instrumental break. Really, it must be heard to be believed.
But Going for the One, which was after Tormato, was actually pretty decent.
Acutally Going for the One was '77, Tormato '78. Going for the One is one of my favorites.
Somebody actually defended Tormato in the book - and did it well.
I've never actually heard all of Tormato - what I did hear was pretty bad. I'll be interested to read the defense.
Acutally Going for the One was '77, Tormato '78. Going for the One is one of my favorites.
Was it Relayer then? The one without Wakeman after Topographic Oceans (and I REALLY had to try hard not to type that is Torpographic despite my love for the damn thing)?
Another pretty "meh" record, from what I remember. I could go put it on, but then again...
Yeah, Relayer ('74) is the one with Patrick Moraz instead of Wakeman.