Did she speak Elvish?
Thank the lord for small miracles, she did not. Wait, let me amend: They did not show the inevitable part of the interview where she did in fact speak Elvish because even Bravo just can't take Liv Speaking Elvish any.more.
Mal ,'Heart Of Gold'
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Did she speak Elvish?
Thank the lord for small miracles, she did not. Wait, let me amend: They did not show the inevitable part of the interview where she did in fact speak Elvish because even Bravo just can't take Liv Speaking Elvish any.more.
Bravo just can't take Liv Speaking Elvish any.more.
Bravo Bravo!
I notice Orlando and Viggo don't run about talking Elvish all the time.
Liv, babe... You can't actually speak Elvish. You've just never forgotten your lines. And stop doing that thing with your breath when you say stuff in Elvish.
I notice Orlando and Viggo don't run about talking Elvish all the time.
But, oh if they did. The love, it would expound.
But, oh if they did.
And just imagine if it were to each other ...
t wanders off to bunk
I notice Orlando and Viggo don't run about talking Elvish all the time.
But, somehow, I don't think I'd mind as much if *they* did.
Because of
stop doing that thing with your breath when you say stuff in Elvish.
precisely this.
eta: well maybe because of the pretty too, now that I think about it.
Okay, I know that during principal photography that Liv and Orlando had houses next door to each other. And that while the hobbit actors were off doing stuff together that Orlando was the only person, aside from the costume, wardrobe, hair and makeup people, that Liv seemed to spend much time with. But every interview I've seen with her for RotK, and many for TTT, she and Orlando are together. And everytime the camera pulls back for a two-shot while she's talking, he's sitting there looking bored to death. She talks and talks and nobody even asks him a question. What's that about?
She won't. Shut. Up.
And he's too British to tell her to piss off.
Anybody see Bravo's special last night on Entertainment Weekly's top 20 entertainers of the year? Even though I already knew that the cast/creators of LotR were number one on the list - I *still* teared up during the montage.
I liked Jack Black's response to hearing he was up against the entire *movie* as Entertainer of the Year.