ita, what, no love for the trebuchet missile sidestep & spit combo ? I thought Gothmog rocked. Maybe not as much as Lurtz, but still, large with the orcish rocking.
'Objects In Space'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
In the books, Gandalf leaves the Orthanc Palantir with Aragorn. I think that by the time Aragorn uses the palantir in the EE it could have been either the Orthanc or Minas Tirith stones, since Denethor didn't die with the Minas Tirith one in his hands.
In the theatrical Gothmog just disappears.
I think that the House of Healing scene covers what happened immediately after the battle AND stuff that happens maybe the next day? ( You know when Eowyn is able to get up and walk and so is Faramir. )
I re-watched the trilogy EE yesterday. I really enjoyed the contrast between Eowyn's dream of the Fall of Numenor -- despair, end of things and Arwen's Vision - - hope, the continuance of life.
Also, why didn't I realize before how they parallelled Smeagol's transformation into Gollum and his loss of memory/enjoyment of ordinary things at the beginning of RotK with Frodo's at the end? Nor the paralleling between Aragorn's fight with the troll and Frodo's fight with Gollum? And I must say that (having seen some more of the extras, I am so glad that they did not go with the concept of Aragorn fighting a phyiscal manifestation of Sauron or that idea that Sauron can still appear in a beautiful form -- because I believe that somewhere -- possibly in the appendices -- it says that after the Fall of Numenor (I think) he could NEVER appear in a beautiful form again. (Sauron, that is.)
Some possible (if I can't handwave them away, that is) problems with RotK have recently been pointed out to me. If you don't want your brain eaten, look away... now.
1) When Frodo, Sam and Gollum reach the Black Gate, Frodo and Sam fall down a mountain and almost get caught. In RotK, Aragorn and his army ride up on a plain. Where did the mountain go?
2) How did Shelob sting Frodo if he was wearing his mithril vest?
3) How come Frodo has a full set of fingers as he's writing his book in the Shire?
Also, once Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas get to Pellenor, did you notice the shot of Legolas shooting arrows -- but where they forgot to cgi the arrows in ?
I do love how Aragorn and Gimli come by and kill Gothmog, incidentally saving Eowyn.
I always figured that b) Shelob stung lower than the vest and I know that c) he doesn't have all his fingers -- look again -- only three reach the top of the book. The index finger falls short.
Nutty, why is Aragorn lying in that speech? I'd thought it apparent that Sauron didn't have the ring, because then his army wouldn't actually be massing to fight. It wouldn't have to. So things weren't over.
Jars, I'm pretty sure 2) has an explanation, but 3) is a continuity error.
eta: apparently not a continuity error.
Finger missing. Haven't found one of the shot over his shoulder.
How come Frodo has a full set of fingers as he's writing his book in the Shire?
He doesn't, actually. I noticed particularly that his index finger was shorter than the rest.
Jars, for 2) How did Shelob sting Frodo if he was wearing his mithril vest? I believe the vest was v-shaped and Shelob stung him where the metal did not cover his chest.
Also, once Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas get to Pellenor, did you notice the shot of Legolas shooting arrows -- but where they forgot to cgi the arrows in ?
I actually looked frame-by-frame at this, and I thought that they did CGI the arrows in, but since Legolas was shooting them so fast it's hard to tell that they're actually there.
Shelob stung him where the metal did not cover his chest.
No, otherwise we'd see them when Frodo's shirtless in the orc's tower. But we see no fresh wounds then, so it must have been below the belt, where the vest wasn't covering.