I'm planning to reread these after the RoTK EE comes out, I swear.
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I'm planning to reread these after the RoTK EE comes out, I swear.
I think Sam keeps track of Merry and Pippin and himself, with accounts of King Elessar.
Also the stuff at the beginning of the book? The forward or prologue or whatever? "On hobbits" and "On pipeweed" -- that's from the Red Book of Westmarch.
I think that one of Sam's daughters goes to Minas Tirith to be a Lady-in-Waiting to Queen Arwen, for example.
Not Minas Tirith, but Annuminas, which was just north of the Shire, and was the old capitol of Arnor. King Elessar re-established the kingdom in the north and at times moved his court there for extended stays.
From Sam's family tree in RotK Appendix C:
Sam's oldest daughter Elanor married Fastred of Greenholm. "They removed to the Westmarch, a country then newly settled (being a gift of King Elessar) between the Far Downs and the Tower Hills. From them came the Fairbairns of the Towers, Wardens of Westmarch, who inherited the Red Book, and made several copies with various notes and later additions."
Sam's third daughter Goldilocks is the one who married Faramir Took, son of Pippin.
I can't close my sap tag. Because I'm a little misty at the idea of Pippin naming his kid Faramir.
Which of them moved to Gondor for good once they got real old?
Merry and Pippin both. If I remember correctly, they went to Rohan, were there when Eomer died, and then moved to Gondor until they died themselves. (And possibly were buried in Rath Dinen?)
I lurve all the baby-naming. I may need to name my (as-yet-unforseen) child Faramir, but only after Pippin's kid.
I had wanted to name a kid of mine Pip, but that was from Dickens. And then read LotR and I extended it to Pippin, and then I developed a crush on Scottie Pippen.
It was too late to use it as a name and retain my pride then. It's so much worse now.