See, when I saw the kid, I thought they were about to transition into Ghan Buri Ghan. What actually happened, therefore, was a bit of a dissapointment. I also realized that they weren't going to give Frodo the Evenstar, even though that's where the idea for it came from in the first place t /grump
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
I spent the drive into work thinking about my main problem with Arwen, which was casting. It's the only casting decision I think was wrong, although many people say they can't get past Agent Elrond.
She was just nothing -- soft sighs and youthful but uncompelling pretty. I dunno -- give me Claudia Black, or something. Then I'm good.
And on top of the fact that Liv looks 16 in normal light, she has Cybil Shepherd lighting for every single shot, so she comes over younger. Not eternal, younger.
And as for RotK -- an absolute yes that tying her to the ring made little sense. I see what PJ was going for by making her Glorfindel, but not by this. To make us care more? Ratchet up the stakes? The world's about to end. She was gonna die anyway.
I think Arwen, treated as she deserves, was beyond the reach of our moviemakers.
I disagree, if only because they got so much else so right, and I don't think it could have been so much harder to get Arwen right, too.
many people say they can't get past Agent Elrond.
See, I adore Agent Elrond (and I adore Mitzi!Elrond even more). My Liv problem comes entirely from the way she sucked the life out of the screen, and I don't know if that was a casting issue or a directing choice.
Claudia Black as Arwen...gah. I'm broken.
Even though I ADORE Liv Tyler--I think she is luminous and beautiful. I liked her in FotR, somewhat less in TTT, and I hated what they did to her in RotK. Except the end where Aragorn grabbed her and kissed her. I think I gasped and then smiled at that. But then, that's my Aragorn lust talking. .
It's the only casting decision I think was wrong, although many people say they can't get past Agent Elrond.
Agreeing with ita here. Hugo Weaving is the one that most people I know mention as a bad casting choice, but I think he's great (though less so in TTT, but that's mostly how he's written). But Arwen, post-FOTR, just bugs me. Le sigh. (Except for the scene in TTT when Elrond is describing what will become of her after Aragorn's death--I get a real sense of melancholy and unbearable loss, which is nicely done.)
I saw a preview for Iron Jawed Angels and I realized how much Hillary Swank looks like she could be Hugo Weaving's kid. Also got more gravitas than Liv. I didn't actually think she would have been better until Wednesday morning.
I only had momentary problems with Weaving (inidividual lines, mostly). I did not like how Elrond would not leave. I think it would have helped with Arwen at the coronation for him to not be there. Also, his apparent joy(?) really undermined the whole thing with him and Arwen. I wanted more "I will not see her again until the end of the world" from him.
And yet, perhaps contradicting myself here, I too loved the Aragorn/Arwen kiss at the coronation, because it's so joyful and uncomplicated. Mmm, Viggo.
Yeah, I liked it too, because Aragorn was looking so grim and old (but not as old as he looked before charging at Pelennor -- that got me too) and that moment helped lighten things. But so would Claudia Black doing it.
Liv just didn't have an upside for me.
I need to wait for second viewing to see if I love the Arwen/Aragorn kiss because I was dealing with being miffed by how the crowning ceremony wasn't at all how I imagined it.
I am OK with it now - but at the moment I was like - but but Frodo is supposed to hand the crown to ..... it's important!!!