I hadn't realized that Christian Rivers made that comment.
'The Message'
LotR - The Return of the King: "We named the *dog* 'Strider'".
Frodo: Please, what does it always mean, this... this "Aragorn"? Elrond: That's his name. Aragorn, son of Arathorn. Aragorn: I like "Strider." Elrond: We named the *dog* "Strider".
A discussion of Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King. If you're a pervy hobbit fancier, this is the place for you.
Ganked from a ganker (TOR.N message boards via WX):
How many hobbits does it take to change a light bulb?
Two. One to change it, and the other to look in his eyes and say “I’m glad you’re with me.”
How many Wizards does it take to change a light bulb?
None. There are better things to do with the time that is given to you.
How many Arwens does it take to change a light bulb?
None. She’s fallen mysteriously ill and doesn’t have the energy.
How many Dwarves does it take to change a lightbulb?
One. Well, actually it takes four, in order to reach. But it still only counts as one!
How many Elves does it take to change a lightbulb?
Three: One to fire an arrow at a stone wall at such an angle that it ricochets off the wall, a mirror, the floor, a wine jug, a passing troll, eventually flying past the ceiling and dislodging the bulb. Then one to find and install the sacred lightbulb of Tintalle Varda, filled with the eternal waters of Elendil’s drink bottle, and the last one to comment: “A new light fills the sky. A shining power rises in the East.”
How many Dark Lords does it take to change a light bulb?
None. That’s what orcs are for.
How many Orcs does it take to change a lightbulb.
None. They try but keep getting hit in the head by small rocks thrown by the two hobbits who are still trying to change their lightbulb.
How many Aragorns does it take the change a lightbulb?
It depends on whether the lightbulb can be reforged or not.
How many Gollums does it take to change a lightbulb?
None, ‘cause we hatesss lightbulbs, we does. And it was the fat hobbits fault. HE smashed the lightbulb. We sees him do it!
How many Peter Jackson’s does it take to change a lightbulb?
Three. One to change it, the other to have the new bulb fall dramatically off a cliff, smash and die offscreen, and the last one to rewrite this sentence so the lightbulb didn’t actually smash and die, but just to make the audience think it did.
How many Sarumans does it take to change a lightbulb?
Forty-thousand and one. One to change it but then find out the lightbulb-changing scene has been cut, and the other forty-thousand to get a petition going to reinstate this scene.
Three: One to fire an arrow at a stone wall at such an angle that it ricochets off the wall, a mirror, the floor, a wine jug, a passing troll, eventually flying past the ceiling and dislodging the bulb. Then one to find and install the sacred lightbulb of Tintalle Varda, filled with the eternal waters of Elendil’s drink bottle, and the last one to comment: “A new light fills the sky. A shining power rises in the East.”
Hasbro has a sweepstakes in which you can win Anduril or one of the other prop swords from LOTR.
and the last one to rewrite this sentence so the lightbulb didn’t actually smash and die, but just to make the audience think it did.
I made an LotR screensaver and I just sit and watch it.
It's sick, isn't it?
How many Arwens does it take to change a light bulb?
None. She’s fallen mysteriously ill and doesn’t have the energy.
The proper answer to this should have been: Just one, but it takes a long time since she's moving in slow motion.
Or maybe something mentioning the thick layer of vaseline covering every light source.
Or -- none: the lightbulb, like the world, changes while she is embroidering in Rivendell.