What about an icon that says "My fandom isn't doing anything about the 1st amendment?"
I mean ... it is for charity, after all. I like my shoutout, and I'm never giving it back, but one that's involved with a good cause is hella cool.
What ita said.
Also, speaking just for me, I don't expect to build a relationship with anyone I'm a fan of to the point where they'd use my name. Having $500 to buy a shoutout is more realistic, especially if the money's going to a good cause. (I don't have the $500 right now anyhow, but that's neither here nor there.)
I'm really sorry that in all my time here, I have failed to present myself in such a way that it would be a given I would think it was terrific to be supporting a cause like this--in such a way that it would be clear I was simply making a wisecrack.
How much do I love Smart Bitches? Thiiiiiiiis much.
Cindy, I was totally on board the wisecrack bus. I actually had the same reaction. Totally a good cause, excellent idea, just... yeah.
Smart Bitches are fabulous, and those covers are SCARY! My god!
I've been really wanting to read the gay romance novel they reviewed recently (I'd been wanting to before that, too). Must go get it somewhere....
I love the comments thread devolves into a discussion of where to find the best Aragorn/Boromir slash. heh.
I love the comments thread devolves into a discussion of where to find the best Aragorn/Boromir slash. heh
OK, this SO would not have happened without the movie.
Has anybody read the Honor Harrington books? A friend just recommended them to me, saying "If you liked Miles Vorkosigan..."
Has anybody read the Honor Harrington books? A friend just recommended them to me, saying "If you liked Miles Vorkosigan..."
Really? I haven't read them (although I've read all the Vorkosigan books). Some of my Vorkosigan fan friends totally trash HH and Weber. I've gotten sort of a Bujold is to Weber what Buffy is to Charmed vibe out of the discussions. On the other hand, my Dad really likes Weber's writing. He's more old-school, F. Pohl/Asimov/Golden Age of SF-ish than I am.