Has anybody read the Honor Harrington books? A friend just recommended them to me, saying "If you liked Miles Vorkosigan..."
Really? I haven't read them (although I've read all the Vorkosigan books). Some of my Vorkosigan fan friends totally trash HH and Weber. I've gotten sort of a Bujold is to Weber what Buffy is to Charmed vibe out of the discussions. On the other hand, my Dad really likes Weber's writing. He's more old-school, F. Pohl/Asimov/Golden Age of SF-ish than I am.
I love the Vorkosigan books, but couldn't stand Mary Sue Honor Harrington. Definite varying mileage.
I read the first Honor book, and decided not to read the rest. A bit too heavy on the battle maneuver descriptions and a bit too light on characterization for my taste.(and I love the Vorkosigan books) My DH likes the Honor books, for what that's worth.
Bujold is to Weber what Buffy is to Charmed
But I dig F. Pohl/Asimov/Golden Age of SF.
Honor's a bit too much. And it's a lot more military-glorification than the Barrayar books have, where even Miles, and especially Cordelia, have issues with the social structure. I don't see that so much in Weber's books. They're basically Age of Sail novels swapped into a space opera format: it's a retelling of the Napoleonic Wars, down to (I'm told) the nefarious politicians on both sides, whereas most of the military are Straight Up and Honorable.
If you're a big Horatio Hornblower and Patrick O'Brien fan, you may get a kick out of them. I read 2 or so, and got bored. Plus, she has a telepathic cat. ::twitches::
A Telepathic Cat. Now that would be REALLY annoying.
"Food. Food now."
"Let me IN!!!"
"Let me OUT!!!"
"Let me IN AGAIN!!!"
"Food! Better food! This food sucks!"
"Go ahead, stroke me. I may bite, or I may not bite. What's life without risks, puny human?"
"Don't look at me like that. These papers clearly aren't important. I shall be sitting on them for the foreseeable future."
"Worship me."
"These are not the droids you're looking for."
"Bored now. I think I want to make something bleed."
You forgot:
"Let's test gravity again."
"Let's test gravity again." crash
How did you get into my apartment last night, sarameg? I had a bored kitty at 2:00 am pushing over my nicely stacked quarters, all four remotes, and all the coasters, as well, all while looking directly at me in defiance before using that paw.
ETA: There is a really good series of romance SF books by Robin D. Owens featuring telepathic animals (mostly cats) called Fams (short for Familiars, of course) on another planet. Only certain animals have the capacity to be communicate telepathically (cats, dogs, who are rarer than cats on this planet, and moles and foxes), and not even all members of these species are able to do so.
The first book is called Heart Mate, and the Fam is a scarred tomcat called Zanth who exemplifies Catitude (his favorite word is "Mine!" repeated five times for emphasis when he really means it).
Terry Prachett's version of the Harry Potter court-ordered pre-publication gag:
`Now that the bound proof copies of Thud! are out, and will no doubt be winging their way to an e-bay near you, I would like to say that ANYONE WHO READS A WORD OF IT before publication day will be MADE TO SIT IN THE CORNER and their ENTIRE COUNTRY will be given DOUBLE DETENTION until every single person SAYS SORRY!!!!!'