Windflower is great for you--the hero is not a pirate himself, but his bastard halfbrother is, and is willing to tote around the hero on his duties for the Crown. Also, Rand (the bastard halfbrother) has a strange resemblance to Locke on Lost in that he's always looking to improve everyone's lives for them, even if it screws them up in the short term. So, he kidnaps the heroine and puts her into the hero's bed (letting him think that she's his worst enemy's mistress in the process) and doesn't tell his brother that the woman he's falling in love with is merely covering up for her rebel brother and father.
Also, one of my favorite secondary characters is in this book--Cat, Rand's righthand man (and it's assumed by the crewmembers, his lover as well), the product of a Caribbean brothel and former child prostitute who takes the heroine under his wing and helps to protect her (this was written in the 1980s, so the woman is less headstrong than she would have been written today).
Hmm. Maybe. Still sounds a little piratey for my tastes.
My favorite Erica Jong has pirate chapters in it.
I rarely like caper stories either. It's a Thing.
I live for those, obviously.
In fact, I anticipate a life of crime so that I might go legit and get pulled back in for one last big score.
In fact, I anticipate a life of crime so that I might go legit and get pulled back in for one last big score.
I totally get this. After I saw
The Hustler
I remember thinking, "I can't wait until I'm old enough to have a fucked up relationship based on solace, remorse, fucking and drinking."
There's a part of my brain that's just too literal. Unless you do a good job of making it a Robin Hood situation, I'm like, "But why am I supposed to root for these people? What's heroic about crime?"
"What's heroic about crime?"
Heh. Psst, Susan works for The Man!
Just call me White She-Devil.
Don't much do you like mayo, Susan?
Aw, Hec, that's well, not sweet, exactly. It kind of makes me want to break your heart or something.
I am so Elmore Leonard's devoted bitch.