In fact, I anticipate a life of crime so that I might go legit and get pulled back in for one last big score.
I totally get this. After I saw
The Hustler
I remember thinking, "I can't wait until I'm old enough to have a fucked up relationship based on solace, remorse, fucking and drinking."
There's a part of my brain that's just too literal. Unless you do a good job of making it a Robin Hood situation, I'm like, "But why am I supposed to root for these people? What's heroic about crime?"
"What's heroic about crime?"
Heh. Psst, Susan works for The Man!
Just call me White She-Devil.
Don't much do you like mayo, Susan?
Aw, Hec, that's well, not sweet, exactly. It kind of makes me want to break your heart or something.
I am so Elmore Leonard's devoted bitch.
"But why am I supposed to root for these people? What's heroic about crime?"
I don't need heroes to root for. I need interesting people, and they aren't always wearing the whitest of hats. It's all about, I suppose, how many flaws you're willing to accept. I don't enjoy books about unflawed people.
It kind of makes me want to break your heart or something.
Truth be told, I already got to play out that scenario, so I'm good.
I am so Elmore Leonard's devoted bitch.
You'd be proud of JZ - she just read
the other day. Her first Elmore Leonard. She kept saying "I really like this couple."
You know that scene in The Godfather at the wedding where people come in and ask for his help, and he says, "Some day I'll ask you for a favor..."
I just did that to you in your LJ. Except you're the one indebted.
I don't need heroes to root for. I need interesting people, and they aren't always wearing the whitest of hats. It's all about, I suppose, how many flaws you're willing to accept. I don't enjoy books about unflawed people.
Just because I'm not all "Yay, petty theft" or "Woohoo, piracy" you assume I want to read books about unflawed people?
you assume I want to read books about unflawed people?
Anybody who isn't "Yay Piracy!" is pretty suspect.
For the record, I have never rooted for
theft. Well, except yesterday when I was re-reading Strong Poison and Miss Climpson's woman was sneaking around.