That's probably all true, connie, and I know it's a delicate balance to strike. I'm definitely writing it so that the heroine's conflict isn't, "I can't marry him because he's just naturally beneath me," so much as, "If I marry him, my family will disown me, and I'll lose forever the home I've spent the last few years of my life longing for and fighting to return to. It's him or everything else--there's no way to have both."
I just hope I can make it work, because I'm so madly in love with this story that I want to share it with all the world. It goes beyond mere wanting to be read and to be an author at last instead of just a writer--I want to tell
story because it's got me by the throat. And maybe it'll work out. I've also had some strongly positive "OMG how romantic!" reactions. If I can only find an editor who feels that way....
t tangent
I'm currently re-reading
by Neil Gaiman. I suddenly realized that in my head, the character of Hunter is ita.
t /tangent
I'm currently re-reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. I suddenly realized that in my head, the character of Hunter is ita.
Well, she wasn't in mine. Until now.
t watches previous headspace Hunter disappear into oblivion
Neverwhere was about at the top of my "I haven't read that yet? How come?" list. Now it's even higher. Curiosity overcomes me.
Susan! I finished Paladin Of Souls yesterday! It started slowly, but picked up even better than Curse of Chalion. I don't like how airily she wraps up, but I
liked how she played with my relationships with and reactions to the characters.
Glad you enjoyed it too, ita!
Neverwhere was about at the top of my "I haven't read that yet? How come?" list. Now it's even higher. Curiosity overcomes me.
Hee! Yes, you must read it.
looks at iPod
Hey! I remembered to put the audiobook of Neverwhere on here! Good, I can listen to it on the bus home tonight.
Curse of Chalion.
Ooh, I bought that the other day, but I haven't started it yet.
I've somehow gotten into this freakish not finishing books thing. I
do that. Suddenly now I've got at least three or four books that I've started in the past month or so, read nearly all of, and then stopped. Good books, not things that are boring the crap out of me so I might deliberately not finish them. I'm trying not to start anything new until I get the madness dealt with.
How much sex was there in Memoirs Of A Geisha?
Not much. It was all pretty much "...and then they had sex."